Everything related to the integration for FormZ.
By woodruff
Very much looking forward to using Maxwell inside of Form Z 9. Will update as soon as plug in is available!
By Allan L.
Please continue the support for a plugin for formZ 9 with your latest release v5. Maxwell is paramount for our workflow. Maxwell is our favorite interior rendering software.
By pdqwest
I would love to see Maxwell continue to support Form.z. I used to use Maxwell exclusively but the time cost in rendering was killing my business. Now that the new version has accelerated GPU processing I would switch back in an instant. Please continue your support.
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By Hugo
My business rely on highest quality, Maxwell Render plus FormZ is essential for me.
Please continue with developing the plugin for FormZ v9 and beyond.

If its only money related, make the price higher and develop! We should pay for quality instead only going for cheapness.

MAXWELL plugin FormZ: +10
By Adriaan Klein
Please, please continue the support for a plugin for formZ 9 with Maxwell V5. I Will update as soon as plug in is available!
I use Maxwell regularly with FormZ 6.
I hesitated to upgrade Maxwell recently pending the release of Z9
If form 9 does not have plugin for Maxwell I do not see the interest to evolve my license Maxwell
Maxwell is definitely the best Renderer I've used, it would be really hard to stop now!
Please ! :(
By Bernard Bunuan
They've announced there are two days left but no final confirmation on a Form Z plugin. What do they expect us to do? Order the Studio version and hope they'll give us the Form Z plugin afterwards?
By Gary
When you guys announce continued support for FormZ, I will also upgrade my 5 render nodes :D

By occ
Please continue the support for a plugin for formZ 9 with your latest release v5.
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By Hugo
Thank you very much with the news i got seconds ago! Al our users will be very happy with the news to continue the development for Form Z.

Thanks again!!
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