• Anything of a technical nature that directly relates to Maxwell Render is allowed.
• Please post in the appropriate sections of the Forum. For example, post plug-in related topics or questions in the appropriate plug-in sections.
• Please post in the appropriate sections of the Forum. For example, post in the appropriate product version and 3D platform sections.
• Do post your render tests, images, experiments, techniques, theoretical knowledge and questions related to Maxwell Render.
• Any post of a non-technical nature, even if the post relates to Next Limit in general, is considered off topic and is either subject to removal or it will be transferred to the Off Topic forum section.
• Forum users who repeatedly post topics of a non-technical nature will be subject to a warning and/or eventual restriction or banning from the forum.
• Do not under any circumstances make inflammatory or belligerent remarks or comments against other forum users, against NL personnel or anyone else. Such posts will be subject to deletion and/or the offending user(s) will be subject to restriction or banning from the forum.
Please follow these rules to keep this forum friendly, organized and strictly informative for yourself and fellow Maxwell Render users. Thank you.
** Next Limit Technologies reserves the right to remove any post at any time **