Everything related to Maxwell Render and General Stuff that doesn't fit in other categories
Hi everyone

Rendering a 10000x10000PX scene in maxwell render and my PC is only using about 5% of it's CPU power. Takes forever to get started and even my Mac Studio rendering the same file gets a much higher benchmark. What is going on? PC benchmark 291 vs MacStudio M1 benchmark 895!!!

Any ideas? Maxwell Studio and Maxwell Render are running as administrator . Does anyone have an idea what is wrong here? Cheers Q!
We have in our Studio a 3990x
never had a problem like this.

We noticed ( sometimes ) a reduced workload using the FIRE preview.

1) have you checked the Priority before launching the rendering?

Usually if you’re not working on the same machine even choosing low priority, the Rendering engine will work at max frequency and max utilization, but if you’re working in other Software while rendering, choosing low priority, could potentially reduce the cpu utilization for Maxwell render.

But 5% utilization is anyway too low.

2) check if this happen with ALL your project

3) check if this happen within the already included scene in Maxwell Render
( Maxwell render demo scenes )

https://nextlimitsupport.atlassian.net/ ... S/overview

3) can you zip and upload your project with WETRANSFER so we can try to check it out?
I had the same problem with my new DELL Precision 7875 AMD Threadripper machine using Windows 11.
I had to set priority to NORMAL to use full CPU capacity!

Figured that out just by chnace right now!
I was going crazy..

On my previous INTEL PC with Windows 10 it was BELOW NORMAL and I ha no problem..
(also -1 CPU thread to work in Rhino).
Great workflow and up to 5-6 cuncurrent rendrings in the backgorund.

Now if I don't set priority to NORMAL as soon Maxwell is not in foreground CPU goes down to 5%!

very odd!
it happens to me every now and then, also today :(
usually it means that there are a missing texture / missing MXS reference / problem with a network path.
most of the time if it happens maxwell will stop and prompt you about a missing file - however I found out that every now and then it will not stop and render very slowly.
also a bad object can cause these (like a bad conversion of a pillow from 3ds max to maya, for example ...)
I found a good setting:
My prority is now set to NORMAL while CPU Threads is set to All -2 (as I have 1 CPU with 16 cores and 32 Threads).

Renders now go at full speed and the PC is only sometimes slowed down..

Mostly I need to either setup other Maxwell Scenes, model or export from Rhino 8 or start Photoshopping renderings that are already done with this blasing fast Threadripper.
Thes apps usully need only one core.
Hi again,
anybody has an idea why this happens to me?

I have 3 other PCs in the office with the same setup and they render normally with Priority just set to below normal.

Yesterday I forgot to switch to my setting (all -2 cores and priority set to nomal).
I was left to standard setting and having 4 other renderings going I reached a blazing Benchmark of 23!

I really don't understand what's going on...


acctually, right now after writing the question I tried myself to find a solution.. I also asked Chat GPT and I found a possible cause:

Windows 11 decided to put Maxwell Render into Efficiency mode!!
Sadly because of security policy I don't have the rights to remove this..
So I contacted IT..

I will let you know if I manage to solve this issue!

Here are the settings and Task Manager:

I have a couple of canned responses that may or may not apply in your case (be particularly careful with the last one):

1.- Some other processes may have a higher priority than Maxwell and override its control of the CPU power:
Look for and reduce the priority of processes like

2.- We had a few cases with this processor in particular: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900K 3.00 GHz which crashed when rendering.
It's a different brand and socket, so many things can be different, but in the BIOS it had some "AI Tweaker" and a setting called "CPU Load-Line Calibration" that had to be set to Auto and all the problems were gone. These kind of settings are usually more relevant for processors with many cores; maybe there's some similar setting in the BIOS of your MOBO.

However, the power settings look like a good candidate to blame in your case.

I hope this helps.
Best regards,

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