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By Forester
I love HDR lighting !


Thank you, Andreas, for teaching me a lesson about long lens focal distance.

More to come, but this seems to be a decent start.
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By Forester
I'm going to update this a little while. The above render was exactly my first trial at a low sampling level.

Before finishing the plants and filling out the left side of this scene, I've been trying to track down the source of the purple bleed in this image. Finally traced it to the sub-surface scattering in the wisteria blossoms. Not what I expected. .... My wisteria tree blossoms have both surface and sub-surface maps. It seems that I have to reduce the strength of the subsurface map to get rid of that bad bleeding. Am working on this now.

Any suggestions of any kind from anybody?

I'm thinking of adding only one more plant in a pot to the left side of the scene, near the left door. Maybe just a taller fern or something like that to balance out the objects across the whole scene ? Also, the bark on my tree is textured pretty well, but doesn't show at all here. So, I'm thinking of adding a little dappled light so that the bark texture is displayed.
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By Mark Bell
Forester wrote:
Fri Jul 08, 2022 5:02 pm
I'm going to update this a little while. The above render was exactly my first trial at a low sampling level.

Any suggestions of any kind from anybody?
Hi Forester,

Thanks for sharing your WIP. Some ideas you might wish to explore -

1. Create a new camera and position it more to the left, at eye level standing, and looking somewhere towards the two pot plants on the right against the wall and over the fountain. I'm assuming the current camera is 35mm, so perhaps open wider to 28mm or 21mm until you include the tree and left side doorway.
2. A sky with more blue - late afternoon with a softer light?
3. The two arched reliefs either side of the seating seem to be wanting something on them? - maybe a trellis and creeper or more decorative filigree similar to the doors or as a rendered finish?
4. Would the courtyard have a paving stone in some pattern? Also a lace-type curtain tied back either side of the seating?
5. I like the bark on the tree!
6. Is the film response set at the default Maxwell? May be also try some others as when I did this with the house in the woods example, it made the image more punchy with deeper shadows etc. If you do try this, take a screen shot of your current settings as changing the film response will likely require changing the settings quite a bit to suit the richer colours.
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By Forester
Thank you for the good suggestions, Mark. I'll give those a try. Except for the trellis's. Those are doors, so maybe I'll open one set to indicate that.
Really appreciate the ideas, Mark.
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