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Hi Guys

Having issues with rendering a large scene that has displacement in it.
This is the error message I get in Maxwell Render:

DEBUG: - Pretessellating meshes with displacement.
ERROR: - You can also disable the "Stop if no memory" setting if you want to use virtual memory.
ERROR: - Data preprocess failed. Render cannot continue
[02/April/2022 22:25:22] Ending render process..

ERROR: - Render Failed

Where do I find the setting to disable the Stop if there is not enough memory?

Cheers from Bavaria

Are you sure that is a displacement error? Data preprocess errors are also caused by missing textures. Open the console in studio and it should give you more info.

Does the render work without displacement? How much memory does your system have and how big is the scene?
Sounds like you may be hitting your RAM limit then, as ridiculous as that may sound with 128GB of RAM.

On the Fly uses much less memory than pretessellated. The gaps with on the fly are due to the fact the geometry has to be smoothed, as edges are not stitched... Direct from the documentation... https://nextlimitsupport.atlassian.net/ ... +component

As far as the "stop if no memory" setting goes, I couldn't find anything about it, but it could be a flag you have to enable on the Maxwell Shortcuts or something. Maybe someone else here can shed some more light on that...
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