Everything related to Maxwell Render and General Stuff that doesn't fit in other categories
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By Nasok
yeah - right ? :)

Although - I'm not really sure why are you guys so much dependent on it ? Is it some specific material that you need from it or just a variety in general ?

As majority of basic materials (without textures) are insanely easy to create with Material assistant .. and for pretty much every "texture based" material you can either use texture heaven or substances (substance designer material in Maxwell).

Honestly, I wasn't using Materials library much so can't tell what is exactly so important in it ? ... apart maybe from RAL collections - those a cool.

Also, I know it was discussed many times here, but just curious if MXM database would be up and running - would you like to have an ability to upload your own materials ? so that everyone would be able to share their MXMs to contribute to community.

P.S. - if you're looking for some very niche material - post your questions here - maybe we can help you create one ? Or maybe someone already have similar and can share ?

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By Matteo Villa
For who want to focus over the project and don’t waste time creating new shaders, having a huge and updated library would be nice.

After all they point out the huge shaders library as one of the main feature on the website too.

Huge yes, but not optimized.

1) Maxwell Render could learn from Lumion and Twinmotion, both with huge quality ready to use library.
( Shaders - objects/furniture - nature environments /grass/trees )

2) Maxwell studio have a section dedicated to Objects and Scene completely abandoned.
The Maxwell Render Team could start a collaboration with Evermotion to increase the library assets.
Or at last give the chance to users to add/integrate their own object/scene inside Maxwell already textured and ready to use. ( and keep them saved)

3) Maxwell Render team could create something similar to
Adobe Substance Designer directly integrated in Studio.

This tool is incredible useful, intuitive, easy.
Starting from a single shaders, just using some sliders you can create an incredible variety of new materials.
Maxwell would work well with something like that.

4) Give the community the possibility to upload their shaders would help many people.

I’ve over 12 GB of Maxwell shaders
( some very useful like a complete RAL section )
A voting system would help to maintain on the top the best shaders based upon customer reviews.

But the Devs Team intervention is needed right now.
Some shaders downloadable directly from Maxwell Server miss texture making them useless.

And I can write more for hours :mrgreen:
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By Mark Bell
Matteo Villa wrote:
Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:42 pm
For who want to focus over the project and don’t waste time creating new shaders, having a huge and updated library would be nice.

After all they point out the huge shaders library as one of the main feature on the website too.

Huge yes, but not optimized.

1) Maxwell Render could learn from Lumion and Twinmotion, both with huge quality ready to use library.
( Shaders - objects/furniture - nature environments /grass/trees )

2) Maxwell studio have a section dedicated to Objects and Scene completely abandoned.
The Maxwell Render Team could start a collaboration with Evermotion to increase the library assets.
Or at last give the chance to users to add/integrate their own object/scene inside Maxwell already textured and ready to use. ( and keep them saved)

3) Maxwell Render team could create something similar to
Adobe Substance Designer directly integrated in Studio.

This tool is incredible useful, intuitive, easy.
Starting from a single shaders, just using some sliders you can create an incredible variety of new materials.
Maxwell would work well with something like that.

4) Give the community the possibility to upload their shaders would help many people.

I’ve over 12 GB of Maxwell shaders
( some very useful like a complete RAL section )
A voting system would help to maintain on the top the best shaders based upon customer reviews.

But the Devs Team intervention is needed right now.
Some shaders downloadable directly from Maxwell Server miss texture making them useless.

And I can write more for hours :mrgreen:
These are all good ideas, especially for those doing archvis exterior and interior renders. NL came out with Roombox a couple of years ago which appeared to be heading in the right direction. At the time I thought it might include libraries of drag and drop assets similar to Lumion/Twinmotion/Enscape etc. but the promo info didn't show any evidence of this.

The idea to support user uploads of their own assets and materials would be a huge win all round. It perhaps could be made to work if there was a standard upload criteria 'form' to complete to help categorise the item being uploaded to reduce NL having to check everything? It's all the extras that go to populate a scene that save time and this is where the other low poly renderers mentioned above have captured a big slice of the market. What they lack in high end quality (where the gap is closing), they make up for in speed and this is appealing to many design firms. Hopefully these ideas get added onto NL's 'to do' list for Maxwell.....
By Andreas Hopf
A problem with user uploads, even when quality checked, is that materials (at least in industrial or packaging design, often rely on high quality Arroway, Poliigon or other vendor's textures that cannot be distributed freely.
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By Matteo Villa
Andreas Hopf wrote:
Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:55 pm
A problem with user uploads, even when quality checked, is that materials (at least in industrial or packaging design, often rely on high quality Arroway, Poliigon or other vendor's textures that cannot be distributed freely.
1) Verify the source of a certain texture is virtually impossible.
I would say “who cares” but I respect the hard job of who have created them and I support digital creator buying on Evermotion what I need.
And if I find something interesting but I don’t want to pay for it, I try to recreate it by myself.
If I fail, I buy it. After all, time is money.
So I completely support your point of view.

2) Some digital reseller give always the possibility to use free for charge a low size version of their texture. You can just upscale them freely with something like Topaz Lab software. ( a wonderful Suite I highly recommend to buy)
The result is quality wise incredible, you can resize then way over 16K.

You can do the same with free texture found on the web. Upscale them and “boom baby” :mrgreen:

3) Texture created with Substance Designer can be shared freely.
Is upon the owner decide if he want share for free or by payment.

If I create something interesting in Substance Designer and convert it in Maxwell Render format, no one can say to me I can’t share it with Maxwell community.

4) I’ve a complete archive of Maxwell Render material from V2 and V3.
Some of them are not bad quality wise, render fast and I would share them with this Community, like was possible in the past.
But developers need to bring back the Upload service and create a specific repository for shaders.

5) for a Software like Maxwell Render, the core business is definitely linked deeply with Product Design, interior Design, Architecture, Automotive.

If I was directly involved in the Maxwell Render Team,
• I would drastically invest in high quality shaders for those sectors,
like Metals - Mirrors - Wood - metallic paints
• I would invest in ready to use Interior/Exterior scene to use in Studio to attract even still life digital photographer/designer.
• I would add a good variety of ready to use object for Interior and exterior design. Or give the chance to users to import their own library and organize them visually.
( Again, Nextlimit could start a collaboration with Evermotion)
• I would add finally more control over object imported to modify them / texture them more precisely without the necessity to explode them in another software before importing them.

Maxwell Render Team have 4 problem now:

1) Lumion and Twinmotion are conquering a vaste majority of Architect and interior designer for the easy of use and incredible variety of object/items you can easily drag and drop inside the scene. Lumion have over 1600 assets. Maxwell render ZERO.
Quality wise Maxwell Render is better, but not faster.
And competitor are improving their quality yearly faster and faster.

2) Maxwell Render Team have to keep the loyal customer remained with them after the V4 disaster.
We paid for the V5 receiving back something already payed for V4. ( and still missing many feature)

Now they need to give us something juicy that wasn’t already planned for V4. Their fault, their problem solving it.
My “ to do list” is an example of thing easily and faster achievable for them.

3) Maxwell Render Studio is a strong PLUS for me. Having a stand alone suite is something that I prefer instead of integration like Vray and Octane.
Hope Maxwell Team will never add something like node spaghetti link for texturing :mrgreen:

But Maxwell Studio is absurdly slow and unstable when you load high dense poly scene or objects.

Other software handle way better them.

4) GPU and CPU performance are far behind other software.

But if you bring to your user many of the suggestion I wrote before, the time you save in the texturing flow and all the time saved while setting the scene, will make you forget for a bit the fact to have a 15/20 high quality renders you’ve to wait over a night :lol:
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By choo-chee
I think that at this point in time Maxwell can't attract newer customers as many would prefer simple drag and drop and fast decent render like lumion. but us loyal customers that use maxwell for years, all we (or at least I) ask for is speed. damn, I don't need medium quality trees that move in the wind. maxwell is perfect for still images. I want it to produce those faster that's all. unless it will be more efficient, we'll continue to see users leaving maxwell for all sort of others. maxwell delivers the best quality we all agree. but unless it's faster the other engines catch up eventually and than it's the end for this engine.
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By Matteo Villa
choo-chee wrote:I think that at this point in time Maxwell can't attract newer customers as many would prefer simple drag and drop and fast decent render like lumion. but us loyal customers that use maxwell for years, all we (or at least I) ask for is speed. damn, I don't need medium quality trees that move in the wind. maxwell is perfect for still images. I want it to produce those faster that's all. unless it will be more efficient, we'll continue to see users leaving maxwell for all sort of others. maxwell delivers the best quality we all agree. but unless it's faster the other engines catch up eventually and than it's the end for this engine.
Developers can’t live with a Niche of customers.

They need money to improve their product and attract new customers.

They’ve already screwed and lost customers requesting a payment for V5 after the V4 disaster.

Now they need fast realizable improvement to increase their value on the market.
They need to concretize their presence in the Rendering market.

Not in 1 or 2 years but in less then 1/2 months.

Improving their rendering engine to make it faster is possible but highly time and resource consuming.

Lumion / Twinmotion are attracting more customers thanks to:

1) Huge shaders library
( more time for your workload dedicated to design/improve the scene instead wasting time creating shaders)

2) huge support over importing new shaders

Maxwell have done a great thing adding Substance Designer support.

3) huge Assets library. A ready to use list of objects ready to be integrated in any scene.
That’s a great Timesaver utility.

I invested some money in some Substance Designer shaders.
Spent some time importing them and convert these in Maxwell Render Shaders.

Now I’ve a good library of high quality shaders ready to use with Maxwell.

Developers in Nextlimit have to do 3 things:

1) Add to Maxwell Studio a section for Assets/Objects.
- They can start a collaboration with Evermotion.
- They can start a collaboration with Quixel Megascans. (
- they can start a collaboration with Kitbash and Maxtree ( for environment design)

2) Take one guy in their Team working with Substance Designer and build up a new assets of high quality shaders ready to use for Maxwell Customers.

Or just integrate them directly inside their Shaders Library.

More architects studio / interior designer would start considering Maxwell.

They just need to integrate something ready to use and already present on the market.
Just a financial investment to make more competitive their Suite.

Lumion and Twinmotion are doing the same.

Increasing the Assets in their Suite and then having more time to improve the core of their software.
By ki_cz
At the very least I hope that upon relaunch there are some new/updated materials and it's a bit more curated.
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