Everything related to Maxwell Render and General Stuff that doesn't fit in other categories
By luis.hijarrubia
We have planned a 5.1.2 patch for September, but we are not going to release it. The main reason is that we updated to Cuda 11 in order to support RTX 3000 series. The thing is that Cuda 11 no longer supports Windows 7 and 8. So we have to make 2 windows versions of maxwell, one for Windows 7,8 with Cuda 10, and other one for Windows 10 with Cuda 11. We were not comfortable doing this with a patch, we prefer doing it on a proper version. And we need to work on portal to allow having more than one windows version.

So, we are skipping 5.1.2 and going ahead to 5.2, that will be out in 2 months. With 2 windows versions. We will be posting the features of 5.2 in this thread when we can show them working.
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By choo-chee
I find it hard to believe anyone is using maxwell with windows 7 or 8. hardly any users after the bad decision made with maxwell progress, can't seem to think of any pro user still on windows 7 with hardware that qualifies for maxwell. and it's not april's 1st.
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By Max
there is not really much sense into supporting anything older than windows 10, even microsoft itself stopped the support for it.
have no clue why you are wasting resources for that.
By luis.hijarrubia
Well. We probably will drop Windows 7,8 after Maxwell 5.2. But we know from support cases that we still need to support for the moment. But please, everybody update to Windows 10.
By luis.hijarrubia
This is really minor UI fix, but as we had a post complaining about it, that's how it looks on Maxwell 5.2:

- Editing an object or material name now has no borders over the text.

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By T0M0
Is there any update regarding CPU engine ?

Some new features, optimization, speed increase for CPU engine ?

Would be possible to hard limit ray bounces in Maxwell (CPU engine) ?
Lets say, stop calculating every ray after 8 bounces.
I know it is against Maxwell philosophy and it would cause visual artifacts, but I would like to know if there would be speed increase
By luis.hijarrubia
T0M0 wrote:
Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:12 am
Is there any update regarding CPU engine ?

Some new features, optimization, speed increase for CPU engine ?

Would be possible to hard limit ray bounces in Maxwell (CPU engine) ?
Lets say, stop calculating every ray after 8 bounces.
I know it is against Maxwell philosophy and it would cause visual artifacts, but I would like to know if there would be speed increase
CPU will get some fixes on 5.2, regarding clipmaps + additives, that did not work well on some cases.

I don't think any speed improvement on CPU will be make on Maxwell 5.2. But we are internally talking about what to do next and doing something that leads to a faster CPU is one of the options.
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By choo-chee
I have to say, as I've mentioned before, getting 10% or even 20% speed boost is not really important (imho) as for me at least, since the rendering will still take time during the night whether it's a 10 hour or 12 hour render. however I believe that including some sort of a "scene optimize wizard" that can analyze the scene and point out stuff that can compromise speed (bad materials, useless emitter values, don't know what...) can make render process probably much more faster than any engine modifications.
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By Nasok
Honestly, as much as I would love to see speed increase - I don't think that it should come in a compromise of iconic things that make Maxwell - Maxwell.

I do think that what choco-chee suggested, some sort of Scene Wizard is a great idea. It could be like a little "clean up" feature that would highlight possible bottlenecks.

For example, it could check things like extra bright values on BSDFs, or unnecessary high values in emitters VS scene scale / camera settings.
And then it could recommend adjustments like values clamping, or automatic scene scale / emitter calibration.

I would think that most issues are coming from:
1. BSDFs values (hello fireflies)
2. Emitter Values (when unnecessary to bright)
3. Scene scale
4. Camera Settings (that leads to wrong emitter' values)
5. Textures

In terms of Textures - maybe we can utilize the .tx conversion? To convert (on-demand or batch) Images to - Tiled mip-mapped textures. This should should possibly improve rendering time and overall optimization.

Here's more info about tx converter and source code - https://sites.google.com/site/openimageio/home (it's open-source)

By luis.hijarrubia
We appreciate very much your ideas, and we will ask you about what to do next soon. But this thread is to show you some features of Maxwell 5.2. Like...

New denoiser integration

Old denoiser integration made 2 render passes, if you selected SL 10, it makes 2 renders of SL 10.

With the new denoiser integration, if you ask for SL 10, it does 1 SL 10 render. We handle internally everything and it gets saved on MXI. So you no longer need to keep 2 MXIs to redenoise, and using network or cloud + denoiser it's much easier.

We added new parameters and options to the denoiser, I will reveal them later on.
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