Everything related to Maxwell Render and general stuff that doesn't fit in other categories.
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By flip@skidmore.edu
Greetings all. I have a few 40 CPU / Dual NVIDIA boxes in my lab, running Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.

In general, we run Maxwell in WIndows on another box, but she is not as processor/ram/gpu 'enhanced' as the Linux boxes, so I downloaded the Studio 'trial' to see how it would work out here. Alas, the stand-alone installer refuses to run at all, even after chmod +x it, running it as root, etc etc. I get the 'language selection' dialog, then nothing. I click, nothing, ever. I have to kill it from the shell.

When I tried the tarball the 'studio' app wouldn't launch either. Well, it launched then segfaults because it is missing a library or two, apparently.

I searched here to see if there was anyone else with this sort of setup, but no. Looking at the required specs it seems to 'require' verisions of Ubuntu about 6 years old. Is this true? Has anyone here been able to get things working on this sort of beast?
By James Linehan
i needed to get support to vpn on my Ubuntu PC to get it working. works fine now
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By flip@skidmore.edu
Fascinating... I wonder what they did? I'd have to get our IT to 'decriminalize' our lab's network to let anyone access our box... heh, so it would be nice to figure it out.
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By Forum Moderator

First, if you use the auto-installer, you should give it execution and writing rights, then the installer will run fine.
Remember to install also Maxwell Render, as Studio requires it to be installed too.

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By flip@skidmore.edu
Two quick notes to anyone stumbling on this later-

1) As pointed out above, the renderer isn't part of the studio download. I had to download the Maya+Maxwell bundle and install that to get the renderer. Then studio. Both I did via the tarballs and _not_ with the autoinstaller, which failed every time.
2) Studio _and_ maxwell want a version of `libudev` that is not part of the Ubuntu 18 universe. Actually, it _is_ but is just referenced weirdly, so to fix that, you just need to make a symbolic link to an existing version, ala

cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudo ln -sf libudev.so.1 libudev.so.0

and things will be running fine for you from there.
By ischill
Hi Flip,

thank you for your comments I try to install Maxwell Render on Ubuntu 18.04. too.
When I try to install with the auto-installer every times the computer hangs on showing the windows where to chose the language.
So I want to try it to install it also with the tarball file but I don't know how to do that. Can you please tell me the command how to install Maxwell using the tarball file.
Thank you.

Best regards
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By flip@skidmore.edu
You need to:
1. make a maxwell 'user' and group
2. create a directory for maxwell (in my case /usr/local/maxwell or you might want /opt/maxwell ... your choice)
3. sudo tar xvzf tarball.gz directory you created
4. chown -R and chgrp -R all the files/directory to maxwell in that directory
5. add your user to the maxwell group
6. chmod 770 -R that directory to make permissions group-only
7. apply the fix above
8. Profit$
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