Everything related to the integration for Rhinoceros.
By JDHill
After initially purchasing Maxwell during its beta so many years ago now, and having had it come to occupy the center of my life ever since, the time has finally come for me to move on to other things, and let others take over where I am leaving off; NL will provide information on the road ahead in due course.

For my part, I will always feel privileged to have had the opportunity of working with such a bright and passionate group of people, and fortunate to have made some of the best friends I will ever have, while doing so.

Lastly, and most importantly, I wish to offer my sincerest thanks to those who have taken the time to post bugs and suggestions in these forums over the years, patiently helping me to improve my plugins; my admittedly idealistic hope is that they have been able to contribute in their small way to making your lives easier, and your work more enjoyable.

By Fille
I'm very sorry to hear you're leaving... Thank you for the great Rhino plug-in(s)!
All the best!

By JDHill
Thanks Philip, I'll see you plenty over at the Rhino forums, I'm sure. :)
By Daniel Kerbler 20180214160604
I could smell that coming :)

although, from a user POV, I do not exactly welcome that step, I of course wish you all the best for your new projects.

Haven't been much around the forum in the last year, but I remember the times when there was intense discussion and development going on here and I can say with all honesty that I yet have to meet another developer who was as responsive and explaining things in detail like you were, while staying positive 99,9% of the time with the people posting and constantly looking for solution and improvement.

keep on rocking 8)
By piroshki
Hey JD

Many thanks for your work!

I've had several interactions with you over the years and always appreciated your professionalism, hard work and positive attitude!

By JDHill
Thanks guys, you're going to make me all nostalgic here, you likely have forgotten, but I still remember quite precisely some of the specific models you have provided me over the years, to help diagnose some issue or another. I wish you the best in the future. :)
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