All posts related to V3
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By simmsimaging
Hey - long time no post. I've been out of CG for a few years and just downloaded the latest demo as I'm looking at doing a few things. My license is for V2, but that is on a PC and I have since gotten rid of all my PC's and just have a Mac now. I downloaded the lastest version of Studio 4.0 to try out but it's really, really unstable on the Mac. (2016 iMac 5K 27")

Wondering if this is common? Is V3 stable on the Mac? Is there a version I can download to demo?

Thanks in advance

Does that mean Maxwell does not run well on iMacs?

Examples: it crashes frequently from a range of things. Sometimes just selecting and moving an object, but it crashes all the time if I try to switch an emitter from an area light to spotlight. If I forget to switch Fire from GPU to CPU it will crash instantly too. It is generally very unstable for me.

Oh well, I see. No, the 5k problem is only about appearance, not crashes or functionality. I think the problem here is that you are working with the demo, and the demo is based on the latest official release, witch was at a the beginning of the V4, since then we have given V4 a lot of stability, but actually this is only uploaded on early builds. If you have access to early builds (i think as forum user you can access), maybe you can try latest early build version with a demo license.
Okay - downloaded the oldest one there 4.0.6 I believe.

It seems much the same to me.

Crashes when converting an emitter from area light to spot light.
Crashes when moving objects/emitters

It runs fine for a while, but it's very unpredictable. I used Studio on the PC for years, and very often, and it was super stable for me. What's the general consensus on Studio for OsX - is anyone else having these kind of issues?

And I yours!

I tried .18 first - I believe that is the standard download option at the moment. I also tried using the oldest one in the "previous versions" section, but that is 4.06. I cannot see anywhere to download V3, and I only have V2 for the PC here. Is there a link to download V3 that anyone can point me to?

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