Everything related to Maxwell Render and general stuff that doesn't fit in other categories.
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By seghier
i rendered an image with V4 and stop render at sl 13 but the resume used gpu only ;so i re-render the image with V3
when i open the same mxi with the same settings in V4 i see big difference between colors
V3 | V4
Response : Maxwell / Gamma 2.2

Response : Advantix 200 / Gamma 2.2

Response : Advantix 400 / Gamma 2.2

Response : Advantix 400 / Gamma 2.1


Models from : blendswap.com
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By alberto.manchenos
seghier wrote:i think also in multilight the same colors with render V4
Hi Seghier,

You mean colors in Maxwell Multilight look equals than in Maxwell Render V4, right?
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By alberto.manchenos
Well... that is normal. Maxwell Multilight shares the same core then Maxwell Render V4. We are analyzing this topic. Any modification will affect to both programs.
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