Add here your best high-quality Maxwell images.
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By michaelplogue
The second image is way cool!!! :shock:

So what do you call this piece? The "Fetal human broom head bathed in a creamy white chocolate coating" :wink:
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By Thomas An.
You caught the Maxwell bug ?

Good work ! The closeup one with the wheat grass(?) going in and out of DOF is currently my favorite. The hazy one has a good "feel" to it. The others ... not so much in my eyes.

(It is funny sitting here judging, but these stuff is several notches beyond my league)
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By Mihai
Ah no, they were modeled by VIZPARK.

Thomas An. wrote: Good work ! The closeup one with the wheat grass(?) going in and out of DOF is currently my favorite. The hazy one has a good "feel" to it. The others ... not so much in my eyes.
(It is funny sitting here judging, but these stuff is several notches beyond my league)
Yeah right Thomas :P You made some of the most influential renders ever, in the history of rendering, combining science and art perfectly. That's not an easy combination to pull off.
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By Rafal SLEK
Today I got message from Vizpark that my Real Grass library got update - a Maxwell version! What a relief in my workflow (ARCHICAD/MR/[C4D])
What a nice surprise, great work!
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By Thomas An.
Mihai wrote:A Yeah right
Come on man, take a complement! There is a 6sth sense element, an artful dimension, that is a rare skill. A lot of us merely strive for pretty pictures. Your stuff has emotion build in to it.
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By Mihai
I was merely commenting on your last line there :) The stuff you did was fascinating. Lets just say to each their own league then :)

Thanks rusteberg! I hope we get to see your pirate animation soon...?
Rafal SLEK wrote:Today I got message from Vizpark that my Real Grass library got update - a Maxwell version! What a relief in my workflow (ARCHICAD/MR/[C4D])
What a nice surprise, great work!
That's great to hear Rafal! I also exported the standalone MXS file of each of the models, and they are included in the updated libraries. So you can use them in any app that has a Maxwell plugin, as an MXS Reference. Just load it, and you're done. No materials to assign.
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