Add here your best high-quality Maxwell images.
By bograt
Good work! you have used a very effective mix of techniques. My only 2 (minor) critiques are that the edge of the modelling clay is slightly too dark to my eye (particularly on the hand) and that the icing looks a tiny bit lumpy from the scanning and maybe slightly harder like meringue.
It is really top quality work though.
BTW your website is great! I used to have lunch most days where you shot that balloon test hdri. What camera/lens combo do use you use?
By RichG
Thanks Kato - loved those shoes of yours too

Thanks Bograt! I noticed they film that show Four Rooms there, too. For the HDR, I used a 5d MkII with a 10mm lens and a Nodal Ninja.
By Tan Boon Meng
RichG wrote:Yes the masking is a pain but I use a great plug-in for that so each one only took a minute or so.

Some interesting 3d scanners on Kickstarter so I'm sure it won't be long before this looks way too much work.

I can tell you that the whole job took around 3 weeks but that's not just sitting down to the 3d and retouching, there's a lot of meetings, time on the shoot and then all the inevitable changes from the agency first and then the client.

"To me it looks like minced meat mixed up with some other stuff"

:-), all I can say is that we spent a lot of time on that, as that is the end product, so it ended up looking the way they wanted it to! To be fair to them, this is not the finished image here. As so often happens, the early comments are good and improve the image, then it gets to a point where you feel they're not improving so I've ditched the final image. That one may well have looked better internally but I liked the choppy surface too much to lose it.

Thanks for the explaination. : )

Going through your site and seeing your works, I say you are a very patience guy.
Great works and well execution on the projects.

By bograt
Oh Right, I could really do with a fisheye... I also use a nodal ninja but with Nikon D800 / 14-24mm. It's overkill for hdri but a nice combo for backplates.
It sounds like you have a very similar approach to CG. I too am based in London, If you even need an extra set of hands on a job pm me.

By reaver
Mihai wrote: I wonder that nobody said the filling looks not too appetizing for a cake. Or is that some traditional thing that everyone in England would know about? To me it looks like minced meat mixed up with some other stuff...
That's a traditional English Christmas cake. It may not look it but it makes pretty good eating :) Amazing work Rich. Truly inspiring.
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