Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
By mtripoli
I kind of liken this to the "shredders" in the guitar world. Though technically they are very proficient, there isn't anything that talks to my "soul". These images *could be* photos, done in Photoshop, painted with a toothpick using egg wash - at the end of the day, who cares? They're uninteresting other than the fact that the guy painted them. In fact, I'd go so far as to say if they were renderings people would be ripping them apart; there are so many details that are "not real" and inaccurate, they viscerally do nothing for me. I find the "spin art" that people make by dropping paint on a spinning canvas more interesting than these.
By mtripoli
rusteberg wrote:How dare you criticize ancient medium! And toothpicks! Shame on you!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?