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By Rafal SLEK
I am sure it is (almost) ready - when ArchiCAD 17 plugin to Maxwell Render 3 will be available?
By Marton Day8
Hello Rafal,

Can't you find it at the download site?
You should be able to download the new plugin version 3.0.0. from there.

It is compatible with Maxwell V3 although some of the new function are not directly accessible from the plugin yet. I still have to work on it.

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By Rafal SLEK
Hello Marton,
forgive me my post, I've hurried up and a moment later I've found this plugin :-)
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By Rafal SLEK
Any chance for new plugin? 8)
Checking beta site almost everyday...
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By Rafal SLEK
wow :-)
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By Rafal SLEK
Marton, it was mentioned somewhere on main forum but I could not find it now, it is possible to install V2 and V3 on one machine?
Windows. I think about using V3 on one AC but in another copy of AC17 I want to leave plugin to version 2 for old projects compatibility issues.
By Marton Day8
Maxwell V2 and V3 can be installed on the same system, but to run V2 and V3 plugins you have to change the plugin files manually.

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By Rafal SLEK
Thx for answer. Done.
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By Steve Jepson
Is it too soon to ask for an ArchiCAD 18 plug-in or V2 and/or V3 ?
By Marton Day8
The ArchiCad API for 18 is not available yet, so it is a bit too soon yes. Hopefully a few days/weeks after the ArchiCad release I can upload the V18 plugin (for Maxwell V3).

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By Steve Jepson
:D Very happy to hear that. I don't like the C4D rendering engine ArchiCAD 18 will have. Without the plug-in for ArchiCAD 18 don't want to upgrade to Maxwell 3.
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By Steve Jepson
If anyone needs the link to the ArchiCAD Developer Kits they can be requested here.
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