Will there be a plugin that supports above CS5 (current one).
Tried it in CS6, I manage to import but the MXI extractor does not exist under effects.

Tor M
Last edited by Kevron on Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Brany
You're right, it isn' working (even the MXI reader is not working properly).

It seems that plug-ins compiled against AE CS5 don't work properly on CS6 or CC on OSX (in Windows it works).

We well need a couple of weeks to update the plug-in to the last version of AE, sorry!
Hi, just seeing if there's any progress on this front. I'd really love to be able to use the MXI's (and all the embedded channels) in After FX CC. Is there an ETA on this fix? If it helps at all the MXI's seem to load on OSX....but the MXI Extractor plugin doesn't even show up in filters. On Win 7 64-bit the MXI's don't load and the Extractor plugin does not appear.


Greg wrote:Hi, just seeing if there's any progress on this front. I'd really love to be able to use the MXI's (and all the embedded channels) in After FX CC. Is there an ETA on this fix? If it helps at all the MXI's seem to load on OSX....but the MXI Extractor plugin doesn't even show up in filters. On Win 7 64-bit the MXI's don't load and the Extractor plugin does not appear.


Plug-in for Windows must work. Are you sure that it was properly installed? Main files should be here:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC\Support Files\Plug-ins\Effects\MXIExtractor.aex
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC\Support Files\Plug-ins\Effects\Format\MediaIO\MXI.aex

Check there is no other MXIExtractor.aex and/or MXI.aex files from old installations in other folders inside "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC\Support Files".
we are not able to make it (2.7.20) work ae cc / mavericks (it works in windows though).
there seems to be no obvious error, the plug-in and it's parameters do show up - the only thing is that the mxi-footage itself does not show up in the ae-viewer.

is it supposed to work or is the v3 the first version to work in ae cc at all?
AE plug-in should work in mavericks. If not, please send me a mxi file that not load properly so I can find out what is happening.

NOTE: I don't know if it is your case, but Maxwell 3.x MXIs won't load using 2.x plug-in.
I don't seem to be able to load MXI's in CC2014, or is the plugin not updated for the CC2014 version?

It should work because adobe has no SDK released for CC 2014 (the last one was for CC).

Just in case, the plug-in is well installed and it fails loading MXI fikes? or AE CC 2014 doesn't recognise MXI files as "importable" file?
The plug-in seems to work in CC 2014. The installer is not able to detect the CC 2014 folder automatically, so if you have CC installed, the plug-in installer will detect it and install the plug-in for CC if you don't change the installer directory manually to the CC 2014 plug-in folder. Can it be what is happening?
Hello Brany,

I reinstalled it just for sure and selected the CC2014 location, but I'm still not able to load MXI's. MXI is not in the list of acceptable files and when set to browse "all files" and selecting the MXI's I get an error.
Now I'm quiet new to After Effects, but I followed a Next Limit tutorial http://youtu.be/jjol93NzycU?list=PL07B7C57B53A486FE and it doesn't seems to be rocket-sience.

Can you check if the following files exist in your AE installation?:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2014\Support Files\Plug-ins\Format\MediaIO\MXI.aex
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2014\Support Files\Plug-ins\Effects\MXIExtractor.aex

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