Any features you'd like to see implemented into Maxwell?
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By Asmithey
I so wish it would get official NL support. They have it for Sketch-up...yuck. Blender is much more of a program than Sketch-up. I sound like a jealous little kid. :P
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By Hillmeister
Blender is outrunning 3DsMax at the moment I believe, but that's another story which doesn't belong on this forum. By making this statement though, I think it's not more than obvious Blender deserves official plugin support from NL. :mrgreen:

Blender is a mature 3D app which get's more and more attention in the professional world :wink:
I think N.Ildar has already done a great job, let's hope we see a final solution soon. It's this little "missing link" which would make our choice of software/render pipeline complete. I don't like to point to others and say "they did it", but there is an example of an established render engine that went official for Blender lately :roll:

Can anyone from NL inform us on the status of development?


Edit: I don't expect anything for free, just an extra plugin besides the existing ones which come with the Maxwell Render Suite license.
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By Asmithey
I want to upgrade to v3. I also use Form-Z and could out-put v3 Maxwell Renderings from there. But that is no longer my workflow. Form-Z has become my secondary app. I really only use Form-Z to generate accurate terrain models for projects that need them because Form-Z has a great terrain generator. Everything else is done in Blender now. So I will wait to upgrade when B-Maxwell is updated.

I would never expect NL to give anything away for free. Plug-ins, as mentioned, you get with Maxwell Suite. There are lot of people making money from Blenders success. Including me. NL could do the same.
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By Asmithey
Hi all B-Maxwell enthusiasts.

Has anybody heard anything on current development of B-Maxwell? I am trying to stay optimistic.

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By Hillmeister
Hi Aaron,

Unfortunately I have the same question. I've contacted NL, but they pointed me to N.Ildar's site. I have tried to contact N.Ildar through the Blenderartist forum, but got no response.

It's very sad to see this development gets to a halt. We are starting to test Maxwell in production and work from Blender to Studio with Collada, otherwise through 3DsMax. I can tell you I'm pulling hair and grinding teeth the last weeks :?

On Blenderartist I saw a solution for exporting animation again, which was broken. Although this is for MW 2.7 and Blender 2.69.

Blender 2.71 is almost a fact, and we are testing MW3. I really hope development is not dead, we could very well use Maxwell in our Rhino, Blender, 3DsMax and Revit environment (maybe even add Houdini).

By AlexP
We usually get b-maxwell every half year... I'm really looking forward to see fire and mxs references functionality.
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By Asmithey
Promising news...

I got this email from N.Ildar today....See below.....

"Hi Aaron,

Sorry for so late answer.
Currently I'm working on a complex commercial project which may be finished soon. Then I continue to work on the add-on. Many parts of the add-on already re-written for the M~R v3 and I would not like throw it away."
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By Hillmeister
Good to hear!

Thanks Aaron :wink:
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By AndreD
It´s a shame, that we have no blender intergation like octane has!

As soon as there is a good integration, i´ll upgrade to mw3! :-)
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By Blazko
Hello everyone.

A bit accidentally I found that Autodesk will stop developing Softimage and that the 2015 release will be the last one for this software. Maybe my logic is wrong, but for me it means that Maxwell plugin for Softimage also will not be developed anymore. So maybe it is good idea for Next Limit to switch their effort into developing Blender plugin? For me it is hard to believe that there are some license issues, because Indigo Renderer, Thea Render or Octane Render have quite good support for Blender plugin. What do you think about that?
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