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By macray
I have a load of lights distributed in a big bay (industrial) by a MoGraph Cloner object. In Maxwell only the one object defining the copies will be rendered so I have to break up the cloner object and then render in Maxwell.

As I use the Cinema internal Lights with an .ies data loaded and all of them are the same I'd have thought that they translate to Maxwell in 1 slider... unfortunately this is not the case resulting in the export of 260+ sliders for the emitters alone.

Can that somehow be unified in 1 slider to uniformely change the lighting? Or is that an intended behaviour?
By JDHill
You should get one slider if you assign a Maxwell emitter material to the lights -- otherwise, a unique material must be created for each one, regardless whether they use IES or not.
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By macray
how about if I use the Cinema IES Light instead of a sphere with a Maxwell material?

I mean: I create a Cinema light, using the physical settings and load the .ies data in the 'photometric' tab. In case i have more than 1 of those lights using the same .ies data it gives me as much sliders in Maxwell. (using the 'create physical lights' setting)
not 1 per .ies file but 1 per light.
By JDHill
Yes, I meant to create an IES Maxwell material, and assign it to various Cinema IES lights, rather than relying on the plugin to auto-generate an anonymous IES Maxwell material for each light.
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?