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By Rafal SLEK
Before next project I've tried to exam new way of setting referenced MXS. Got now few questions and remarks :-)
Using beta 3 plugin (WIN 64) I've made some simple tests with standard ArchiCAD tree object:


This tree as ArchiCAD object was put in 0.0 point and rendered, MXS file was used then to make this test.
And few topics regarding MXS referencing in ArchiCAD:
1. Any attempt of putting mxs file via "Maxwell Referenced MXS" library part cause ArchiCAD crash on my computer. After setting parameters click on Floor Plan
or 3D and AC crash usually.
2. New way (as AC library part) looks promising but old one is easier. Maybe I am doing something wrong?
I've tried to load folder with MXS by Library Manager and then write name in "MXS file path" parameter or write there whole path to (mxs) file.
Only second way is working (all path should be written). Easier is to show file in Maxwell palette IMO.
3. There is no MXS preview in ArchiCAD 3D window. Only AC object is shown with (nicely done BTW).
4. There is no 2D preview of referenced MXS .
5. Sometimes parameter list is not shown for AC object:

6. Old way (via MR palette) added MXS got wrong 2D symbol and 3D box. On my screenshot it is visible that tree is on the edge. Box is on the other side:
MXS and Slab (drawn on base, to compare)
... without slab
7. There is no way to switch off fills for 2D symbol:
By Marton Day8
Hello Rafal,

This really works strange on your side.
Are you using the latest beta 3.0.1 beta3?

It is odd because I haven't seen anything like this here.
You can't add mxs files with the library manager, but just as a normal library object.

You have to set the full path manually right now, but I will make it easier later.

Could you send me the files? (test with old referenced mxs and the with the new version?)

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By Rafal SLEK
Hi Márton!
Yes, it is latest beta 3.
Meantime I've checked setting full path and it works better a little - crashes are not so often.
Render test is made using old method (via MR plugin palette inside ArchiCAD).
By Marton Day8
Hello Rafal,

It seems the problem with the Tree in wrong position is not a plugin bug, but Maxwell.
In case you export the scene with a reference tree to Studio there it displays the tree in wrong position too (Studio) and in another position under FIRE.

It seems there is a transformation problem with referenced object in case the object root group is translated. (Render engine ignores the root group transform.)

About the new type of referenced lib object:
It would be really good to understand why you see such strange effects (and crashes). Could you send me a file maybe?

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By Rafal SLEK
Hello Márton,
please check PM - yesterday I've sent you link to files on dropbox.
By Marton Day8
Yes, but that was with the old style Referenced MXS.

Do you have file maybe where I could see the problem with the new type?

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By Rafal SLEK
It was same file. Some of that trees I've changed to AC object "referenced MXS" and put there manually full path to Tree as MXS.
This MXS is in archive also.
By Marton Day8
Could you try with a fresh scene and use only the new type of mxs object? Do you have the same problems with it?

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By Rafal SLEK
OK, I'll check it and let you know.
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