By messire
Hi JD, there seems to be a small bug in the fire engine
( win 7/64, SU13, MR3.01 plug in)
I'm just having two rectangular planes with arroway textured skm ( using reduced thumbnails provided by arroway).
I'm keeping the fire window open, and strangely when I'm deleting one of the planes, or adding one, the fire does not update, but update the camera position fine...Happens even if I hit the stop / Go button in fire.

I've launched a render and the fire engine suddenly understands the geometry has change and updates ( by deleting / adding the geometry). Also works when I close fire and reopen it.
No clue, but can be annoying.

On another topic, I'm having issues understanding scales of textures:

I'm using for example stonework13 from arroway. Using photoshop I'm changing the reflectance image ( the _d file) and saving it as another name I then modify the stonework13, changes the reflectances files when needed, saving as stonework13_mod in mxed.
In SU i'm just copying the original stonework13, using the same size thumbnail. When rendering, the scale of the material is totally different, but the mxm files have the same settings, and the SU materials also have the same scales / settings...Any clue what is going wrong: ( see the fire preview, same happens in render): ... 20MRSU.jpg

By JDHill
messire wrote:I'm keeping the fire window open, and strangely when I'm deleting one of the planes, or adding one, the fire does not update, but update the camera position fine...Happens even if I hit the stop / Go button in fire.
This is the expected behavior -- unlike changes to materials and scene settings, changes to geometry are not currently reflected in real time, and rather require the use of the Re-Export Scene button (the one with the two yellow arrows).
messire wrote:In SU i'm just copying the original stonework13, using the same size thumbnail. When rendering, the scale of the material is totally different, but the mxm files have the same settings, and the SU materials also have the same scales / settings...Any clue what is going wrong
When you set the texture size in the SketchUp material, you are defining the size of UV space in real units. In the MXM, the Repeat values determine how to tile the texture within UV space, which means that you cannot obtain a WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") preview for textures that use Repeat values other than 1.0. For example, when a texture in the MXM uses Repeat of 2.0 (in Relative mode), you will see the texture tiled twice within the space defined by the SketchUp texture.
By messire
...ok its expected! So no prb.. thnx did not know that, but makes sense.

As for the texture prb, I have not modified any of the mxm UV settings compare to the other original texture that behaves fine. This is why I'm a bit annoyed...basically I have two exactly similar mxms, with just the d.jpg file modified in color, and they are the same also in SU...but my modified textures has a scale prob I cannot identify..

By JDHill
All I can tell you, without seeing the MXM files and textures, is that if the tiling does not match between the SU viewport and the Maxwell render, it should mean that the textures in the MXM are not set to use Repeat 1.0.
By JDHill
Repeat values are set in the MXED texture picker, which you can read about here. Repeat is in the Projection Properties panel, at the upper right:

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