All posts related to V3
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By RenderFred
Hello everyone,

I am glad to announce that we now officially support Maxwell Render 3! It means that we can render:

- Maxwell 3 cooperative projects
- 3ds Max 2012 to 2014 animations with Maxwell 3 as renderer
- Maya 2012 to 2014 animations with Maxwell 3 as renderer
- Cinema 4D R11.5 to R15 animations with Maxwell 3 as renderer

Please note that we still accept and support Maxwell 2.7 cooperative projects.

There is a new version of RANCHecker (2.00), for PC and Mac, that you'll need to estimate and prepare your Maxwell 3 projects. If you are still running Maxwell 2, do not download this new version and keep RANCHecker 1.70. Please note that the automated online update won't work between 1.70 and 2.0, so you'll have to download 2.0 from the site. It will work again for future versions > 2.0.

You will notice that we have a new integrated benchmark to RANCHecker 2.0. It has a nice scene done by Roch from The integrated benchmark will help you determine the performance delta between your system and the Ranch, and thus help you estimate the time and cost of your projects.

Finally we have included a CPU detection function to the Mac version of RANCHecker, same as the PC version. So if you have a Mac, you'll know in a second what CPU(s) you have, at what frequency, with how many render threads available.


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By Asmithey
The Ranch is the best render farm in the market!


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By Nasok
2RenderFred - you guys - ROCK! :) we are using your farm pretty often. The only bottleneck is the speed of downloading ..
We are based in Singapore and we do have really fast internet connection .. but still downloading from your servers really takes not less than 40 minutes .. in the best case.
But that for about fairly big images .. last mxi was over 600 mb. :)

But I do have to say that it really feels like you guys increased speed. Last time I was rendering pre-tesselated model - and it even failed to render. This time speed was super fast :)

Thanks for improving - it matters.

NiCE ltd. :)
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By RenderFred
Nasok wrote:2RenderFred - you guys - ROCK! :) we are using your farm pretty often. The only bottleneck is the speed of downloading ..
We are based in Singapore and we do have really fast internet connection .. but still downloading from your servers really takes not less than 40 minutes .. in the best case.
But that for about fairly big images .. last mxi was over 600 mb. :)

But I do have to say that it really feels like you guys increased speed. Last time I was rendering pre-tesselated model - and it even failed to render. This time speed was super fast :)

Thanks for improving - it matters.

NiCE ltd. :)

thanks for the kind words, yes we are always trying to improve things :D
For instance now all our nodes have 48 GB RAM, so we can deal with projects that simply could not run in 24 GB (maybe it was the case for yours?).

By CodyKallas
Just an update on my question about modo, it was simple enough to export to studio then prepare for the farm. If anyone else does this, be sure to check your sun settings because they need to be tweaked when exporting from modo. Great speed too btw! Denoiser is awesome right off the farm. Also there isn't a long line, from what I have seen yet. Rebus always had me waiting. Price was great too. Overall great so far.
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By RenderFred
CodyKallas wrote:Just an update on my question about modo, it was simple enough to export to studio then prepare for the farm. If anyone else does this, be sure to check your sun settings because they need to be tweaked when exporting from modo. Great speed too btw! Denoiser is awesome right off the farm. Also there isn't a long line, from what I have seen yet. Rebus always had me waiting. Price was great too. Overall great so far.
Thank you very much for the feedback and for the kind words. We are glad that everything went well.

Hope to see you soon again!


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By deadalvs
Hey Fred,

Would it be possible to start renders on the 'ranch' via pymaxwell ?

I have a camera animation stored in a python file, which reopens the same mxs (980 MB) over and over again, so I don't need a mxs per frame.

I assume it would be an issue to start this as a job, right ? Or do you have an idea how this ?
(I could easily change the code to 'expand' the animation into separate mxs files, if that's the only way.)

Lemme know .. Thanks !

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By RenderFred
Hello everyone,

I am glad to announce that the new RANCH is now up and running!

- the RANCH Runner is now 2 to 3 times as fast with at least 450 render nodes per project
- a brand new web site, better-looking, more modern and easier to navigate
- a new RANCHecker for Maxwell (2.1) which works with both Maxwell 2.x and 3.x.
- as always the full power behind each project
- last but not least, very affordable prices!

And we still offer 50 euros render credits to new users...

On the 1-minute benchmark (integrated in RANCHecker) the new RANCH Runner goes to SL=18.30. Previously it was reaching 15.74 (to be compared with 3.48 for a Dual Xeon E5645 workstation).

We hope you will find the performance of this Maxwell supercomputer astounding!


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