By CodyKallas
First off, thank you everyone for answering my bombardment of questions.

We are looking at buying the Xfrog plant bundle but first, will it even work with maxwell? Or could someone explain the workflow for me, between modo and maxwell. I am just wondering because I don't want to run into texturing issues.

Has anyone used Xfrog with modo and maxwell plugin?


By a.behrens
I use the obj-Format. xfrog plants as obj come with rather simple material zones (maybe 5 per plant) and each material zone has some tiffs.

Setting up the materials for a new plant takes around 30 minutes to max an hour if you know what you do. That means that it will take longer for the very first plant.

There are a lot of free samples:
By hatts
I don't love the Xfrog -> Maxwell workflow. Most of the Xfrog plants we've purchased don't actually have leaf and petal geometry; they have low-poly geometry, which are clipped with the alpha channels of the Xfrog materials. This is nice for efficiency's sake, but a hassle if you need full-res geometry. Maybe we got some special low-poly version?

We use it with C4D which does a pretty nice job converting the C4D mats that come with Xfrog to Maxwell mats, but it still requires manual tweaking after the conversion.
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By Daniel Hruby
You probably know this, but in case you don't, the entire XFrog library is available from Xfrog in Modo format with materials already prepared for rendering within Modo. That might make it easier for rendering in maxwell via the plugin.
By CodyKallas
Yeah I tried them out and got them working. You just had to flip all the textures with stencils on them, but I think this is fixed in the new plugin
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?