Add here your best high-quality Maxwell images.
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By Nasok
Here is a super quick animation. Check it out. :)
click on the image to view it.


Hey folks, I was amazed with the quality of renderings that you guys produce everyday. It is really inspiring.

Your professional approach in every tiny detail is what driving me and pushing my 3d to sometimes even unnecessary level of detail. But as you guys I also sleep better when I know that all my back faces and hidden polygons are still good and ready for an extreme close-up shot.

Please check out some of my images,
and of course your professional comments and advices are most welcome.

Last edited by Nasok on Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
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By Nasok
Thanks Tom :))

Originally I was planing to do a low res model, but .. after a while just realized that I'm just adding and adding more and more details.

Just got Maxwell 3 today, can't wait to get my hands on it.
By kami
RobMitchell wrote:Not only is it modelled and textured really well, but the lighting and composition work is spot on too. Great job!
+1 on this comment. Really great work
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By Nasok
Thanks guys :)) your compliments about my work really matter to me.
This is my personal project, just to train my self in texturing and hard surface modeling.
I wish I could post some of my everyday projects :)

Let me know if you're interested in a workflow behind any element from these images, would love to share the description of process.

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By Nasok
Thanks :)

I'll try to post some more work. Actually I was searching for animation section in this forum .. as I've got one super simple animation, that I've rendered in MAxwell, and just wanted to share.
So if anyone could give me a hint where it is suppose to be placed. It would be nice.

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