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By stir

I am having trouble embedding the multilights in to the EXR output image when i'm rendering animation.

It works when i'm rendering single frame but as soon as i'm turning on animation it stops embedding.

The setup and scene is 100% identical. The only difference is i unchecked single: under the common parameters in the render settings and check range:0 to 0 (just to render 1 frame)

How come this gives 2 different results when it comes to embedding?

the MXI that i also output is identical in both single and animation rendering, containing all the multilights.

is there a mxcl flag i can type inn, to force a embed?

here is a recording of the output files while the animation frame is rendering.

pass: embed

The 3 top files is the single frame render.
the 3 bottoms are the frame rendered in "range" mode

you can see the size difference on the exr, and at some point it is a similar but right in the end it collapses down. I assume thats when the multilight gets removed from the exr or something.

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By Mihnea Balta

This issue is caused by Max overwriting the EXR file. Maxwell writes the channels correctly in the EXR, but we then pass the image data to Max, which writes the EXR file again without the extra channels. We've implemented a workaround for this in the latest plug-in update: set your output image path as you did before, but then uncheck the "Save File" box. This way, Max will not touch the output file anymore and the original one written by Maxwell will survive.
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?