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I am still a beginner and I'd like to make a street view render at night.
I've seen renders (or maybe photos) with bulb exposures (long time exposures) of street views at night, showing the backlights of the cars as some sort of red stripes following the track of the road.

Can anybody give me an idea on how to do that with Maxwell and Sketchup?
Maybe model the stripes with a red emitter as material. Then add some gaussian blur in postprocessing with Photoshop?

Or do you have another idea or even some sample photos for inspiration?

Thank you for all hints,
i am not familiar with sketchup, i know it has some basic animation capabilities but i have not used it at all.. you might be able to do linear motion blur, i doubt you can export substeps:

still i want to point out that maxwell has an amazing motion blur which is now supporting emitters with substeps (meaning you can animate a light along a curve in one frame!)

i used it once in the way you are describing, simply by animting things as in real; a car with front and backlights, long exposure:

and from here ... otion+Blur
There is no animation support using SketchUp and Maxwell Studio -- however you can do some script based animation via Python scripting (pyMaxwell) if you know how.

For the sake of simplicity it would probably be best to use a software/plugin combo that supports animation (if you have any).

So thank you all for your help. So I will look out for a software with Maxwell animation support.

Do you have any recommendations for me as a Mac OS X user with some sketchup experiences?

And can you tell me about the workflow then? I assume that I will have to render all frames of the car driving along the road.
Then I will have to put all the frames together in Photoshop to one single shot?


Since my rendering machine is fairly slow (Core 2 Duo) I am maybe to ambitious or should consider to make an upgrade.
You get that effect from one frame, it's just like long exposure photography.

Regarding plugins, you can check this list for applications on OSX which we have plugins for: ... s/Plug-ins

From those, probably Modo or Cinema4D (more expensive I think) would be easiest to learn.
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