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By Ernesto
Hello, I would like to know which is the best way to work with external references in Maya for Maxwell.
I am having problems with material previews, which turn to gray, for the referenced objects.
Do you have a way to solve this?

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By choo-chee
I use them on a network drive with a fixed drive letter (s:/) so all computers can find it when I render a scene not on the work computer.
I know about the material previews but that doesn't matter since MXS references are not to be changed iwthin a scene, they are outside the main scene anyway...
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By Ernesto
Thanks choo-chee!
I am doing something similar, so my only problem is the material previews...

Up to now, I am assigning Maxwell materials to each of the maya files, and render from the main maya file where all the other files are referenced.
Another way that I have not tried yet, would be to assign all the Maxwell Materials in the mail file, used to render, but I do not know if this is better or not.

SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?