Everything related to the integration for SketchUp.
By JDHill
That's actually the reason I've not done it yet -- I believe the plan is for there to be implemented a standard preset system for extensions. And if you preempt that in a plugin by rolling your own (I've done this in the past with other things), you end up having a sort of weird dual system, which is fine technically, but can be pretty confusing for people.

However, if you're comfortable with the idea of using something that might be superseded in the future, here is a small Ruby script that will put "Save Grass Preset" and "Load Grass Preset" items in your Plugins menu (unzip and put the Ruby file in your Plugins directory). Provided you have a group selected, those menu items will be enabled, and you can use them to, well, save & load Grass settings to & from files. Here's a link to download the file.
By numerobis
JDHill wrote:However, if you're comfortable with the idea of using something that might be superseded in the future, here is a small Ruby script that will put "Save Grass Preset" and "Load Grass Preset" items in your Plugins menu (unzip and put the Ruby file in your Plugins directory). Provided you have a group selected, those menu items will be enabled, and you can use them to, well, save & load Grass settings to & from files. Here's a link to download the file.
Great! Thanks for sharing JD! :D
By JDHill
GRouslan wrote:Wish render layers affect fire engine, to setup scene with only direct light, same for cinema 4d.
Sorry, but the engine does not support this.
By GRouslan
valerostudio wrote:Thanks JD for the ruby. You are one of the best plugin developers I have ever come in contact with.
By Delineator
This is a bit particular, but I was curious if you could add the progressive SL update settings somewhere in the output tab (ie mirror the network render options so you could have it render to SL 10,15,17,18). If it was located within the SU interface, I could make a preset for each of my workers and have them use the same settings each time.

By JDHill
Sorry, that functionality appears to be internal to the networking system; if you inspect the log for a network node, you can see that the manager is just sending the job multiple times, each time with a different SL value, i.e. -s:3, -s:7, -s:10. Even were it possible, though, I'd not likely expose so esoteric a setting in the SketchUp plugin UI; it could be exposed via the command line, or a Ruby-accessible setting, though.
By Delineator
I know this thread is a bit old, but I was curious how difficult it would be to include a Output presets option in v3 (similar to v2)? This saves me and my company a load of time in v2 because I can use the naming macros and set up all the channels I want, and the designers don't have to check in all the boxes each and every time.

By JDHill
I would not hold my breath on that -- it was something that was relatively easy to do when using Silverlight, but things are quite different now. As far as checking boxes and such every time, it might be more appropriate, anyway, to make use of a suitable set of template files, where those things have already been set up. If that would not do the trick, I can see later on about something similar to what we have with .sky files, where you could save output settings to a file, and then load them back in. I don't predict anything exactly like what we had before, though.
By Delineator
That would work be great too. I don't mind if its a customized preset or a template you need to load. I'm just trying to make it easy and uniform for all our designers to use (and trying to save myself the trouble if someone forgets to enable ML)

Heck, if there was a way to set those as default, that'd be great too.
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