Any features you'd like to see implemented into Maxwell?
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By Asmithey
I wish for........

Next limit to be able to find a way to work with N.Ildar, the developer of the B-Maxwell add-on for Blender, to maintain the development of the B-Maxwell add-on. Not sure how that all works. But it is such a great Blender add-on. But it has a few bugs. And with N.Ildar falling of the map, it seems, due to his lack of communication in recent months, has me worried about the future of the add-on. Which now I rely on. I know.......I know.......Blender is developed by volunteers and enthusiasts so I should not rely on it, that is why I am hoping Next limit can step in to make it professional and reliable.

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By Asmithey
N.Ildar has returned....New update coming soon....

He said the scene scale issue has been resolved.
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By Asmithey
For those interested...Here is the link to the B-Maxwell add-on thread over on the Blender artists web site. ... nder/page9
By Lynchon
Im asking maxwell team here to help nildar to keep improving this Incredible addon for blender which works soooo smooth. Looks like he needs the private version of the sdk, in order to implement all maxwell render features. Please let him have it next limit :-)
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By tom
I'm trying to get in touch with him for a long time but, obviously he's ignoring it.
By Lynchon
Oh, it happened before in the blender artist forum, he was busy so he stopped posting but suddenly he was back with a new version of the addon. He actually read all all what we were posting, may be he is busy again.

Anyway im going to refoward it back in the blender forum.

thanks tom
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By Asmithey
N.Ildar is developing texture baking of procedural textures for Maxwell Render in Blender....Can't wait for that.. But I will. ... l4dNDUe69g


N.Ildar has acknowledged that he will contact you as soon as some time frees up for him.
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By tom
Asmithey wrote:N.Ildar has acknowledged that he will contact you as soon as some time frees up for him.
This is good news. :) Thanks and cheers!
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By Asmithey
Has anyone heard of any new developments happening for Bmaxwell?
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By tom
No and I didn't hear from N.Ildar either.
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