Everything related to Maxwell network rendering systems.
By lifeofdave
Is there any possibility of a faster network render preview in the future? Could png files from each node be combined to create a draft preview that could be transferred across the network quickly?

I did a few tests a while ago and found that layering rednered png files in photoshop using the correct blending mode resulted in a good indication of what the final merged mxi's would look like.

Ranch Renderfarm has the capability to preview renders quickly and a similar function in Maxwell network render would be really useful!
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By simmsimaging
I requested something similar a long time ago - not sure if it's on the table or not. Realistically, we don't even need a merged png for fast previews, even just shooting out a PNG from the node with the highest SL would be very useful, and way, way faster.

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By polynurb
if you go to the temp folder of a rendernode, usually to be found in */AppData/local/temp/mxmnetwork/rendernode_"nameofcoputer"

you should after SL1 find the .mxi and the additionall image file format you chose to render.
they will update whenever mix is written.

what i do is simply share the temp folder on the network and browse it with an image viewer.
you can grab the mxi from there too..


what about gpu maxwell q project?

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