By Kevron
Hi, do someone know when to expect the updated Nuke plugin?
I have nuke for 2.7, but after updating Maxwell to 2.7.10, Nuke is giving me errors when reading mxi files.
"Reader did not set bounding box" - guess this is just because of the newer Maxell version.

Tor Martin
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By Brany
I've just upload a version of Nuke plug-in to the beta's webpage.

It will be available from the regular download area at the customer gateway as soon as possible ;)
By Kevron
Thank you Brany,

Not sure what the beta´s webpage is, but I´ll download it from the customer gateway when it is public.

Tor Martin
By Kevron
..still no nuke 2.7.10 plugin at the customer gateway.

Is there any other way to get a hold of it for Mac?

Tor M
User avatar
By Brany
I've just checked it and the version is available at the customer gateway. Can you reload the webpage and try again?

By Kevron
Perfect, I see it now. Was just put off by the date (18jun12), but I saw it was the correct file after pressing download.

Tor M
By Kevron
Hi again Abraham,
I downloaded the new nuke plugin, but I still get the same error message "Reader did not set the bounding box"

I manually installed it, a fresh install. Went over the and Looks normal.
The plugin loads as usual.

Hope you have some tips :)

Tor M
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By Brany
You can open 2.7.0 MXIs with the new plug-in?

In that case, can you tell me what do you get when you attach a ViewMetaData node to the MXI node? (VERSION_PLUGIN and VERSION_SDK).

In case you get, please send me a MXI that gets that error.
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By Brany
VERSION_MXI is an internal version for the MXI file format. Maxwell creates 1.6 MXI files. Maxwell and creates 1.62 MXI files.

The problem here is that your MXI have a "Sun", a "Physical Sky" and a "Image Based Lighting" emitters. It can't be possible! How do you create this? :P
By Kevron
I am away from the computer now, but I will post the environment setting tomorrow morning.
Not sure if I remember correctly what my setup was, but I think it was lit with sun and physical sun, and in refract/reflect there is a HDR.

I will doublecheck the setup tomorrow!

Tor M

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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