By michael g.
Hi to everybody :D ,

using Maxwell I´m still a beginner...

I want to use it with FormZ on an IMac 27" with Intel i5 or even i7 (if this would make sense...?) in order to make architectural stills (biggest Format ca. 600 x 850 mm).

Question is simply if this combination would get good results?
I get a bit anxious while reading that some users had problems with the above mentioned combination.

I´ll be thankful to read your experiences with iMac using formZ and Maxwell?

Thanks for your hopefuly incoming posts...

By big K
hi michael,

with one iMac you might find out that renderings for A1 print take their time.
personally if you want to stick to Macs i would go for a Mac Pro. It has much more renderpower, but of course, is also more expensive.

formZ will work fine on a iMac (and on a Mac Pro). but be sure to get a nice graphic card, (good openGL) for a good performance with formZ.

i hope this helps a bit to make your decision.

By michael g.
big K wrote:uups just saw, that the thread is quite old.
so maybe i am a bit late...
Hi Michael,

thanks for your reply, maybe the topic was to simple that it took so long that somebody answers.
Meanwhile I bought the newest 27" iMac and hopefully it´ll do it´s job.
Thank you for your suggestions.

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