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By imagesbyj
Hello all,

I know there a few other plugin threads, but I couldnt find an answer to my (new) problem. I just installed the new plugin for sketchup 6. Its seems to work fine,... until I actually try to use it.

1. When I hit the render button, an error message pops up (can not read mxs file)
2. When I export a file to studio, nothing shows up. no geometry, objects, cameras, materials.. it is just a blank space.

This is making it very hard to use maxwell.. any advise?! please!

By JDHill
That won't work; MXS files written by plugins for newer versions of Maxwell can never be read by older versions.
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By imagesbyj
Everything seems to be up and running now just fine, thanks a ton guys! Sorry for the stupid questions!

SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?