By fv
Yes, JD, even after a few hours I am expecting answers here and now...... :)

But in my profession (architecture) actually it is fully acceptable to come up with halfbaked designs done in days for multimilion projects being discussed by 10 members teams as if there is anything but rubbish to discuss....haha, years later people work in buildings totally ignorant of what could have done for the same price as well... or actually for a lot less...
By numerobis
JDHill wrote:Cubic & Spherical:

:shock: :shock: :shock:

aaaahhh! i can't believe it! uv mapping in skp!!!!!!!!! 8)

JD, you should sell this to google... they seem to have real problems to get this done right...
...or maybe you could write them a nice SU8 with x64 and high poly support... :lol:

Great news!!! thanks! :D
By JDHill
Glad you like it...and fwiw, the ground plane in those images is being done automatically by the plugin too. :)
By numerobis
JDHill wrote:Glad you like it...and fwiw, the ground plane in those images is being done automatically by the plugin too. :)
By donb
Hey JD,

The progress you are making on the next SU plugin is phenomenal. But you know how when you are driving down the road and you have to pee but you are at least five miles from the nearest restroom. And how the closer you get the more you have to go. And when you finally arrive you can barely stand the pain as you run from the car to the toilet, every step of the way thinking you are not going to make it.

So just how close are we, with the new plugin that is?

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By Richard
Mate who needs a rest room unless it's for number two's?

JD mate you really are producing far more than what we ever wanted, well now of course we do but I don't think anyone here could have expected ANYWHERE near the functionality your including you simply are think way way beyond the square and seriously your response is way beyond the NL norm of history there!

I still think new users will ask such questions, I know my suggestion may have sounded silly but the question is asked SO OFTEN! anyway put to rest!

Mate also the ground plane autogen has been such a long term want!

Well done again mate! I actually think you have some other potential plugins here besides the exporter!

@Francois - Mate same here the option of bringing anything high poly into SU just isn't an option! With the proxy.rb how does it deal with the likes of your evermotion trees? Do these have to be in model or external in SKP or came they be in OBJ format and still referenced?

@Brodes - mate I think you can get pills for that these days, I know the recreational types work very well themselves at controlling bladder problems!

Sorry got to go of track here - a mate of mine suffers from a swallon prostrate, when he drinks beer which contains synthetic estrogens it get worse and he cant wee, after beer as you would know this can become a painful problem. The last it happened he ended up in hospital with a catheda (tube up the eye to drain) - they sent him home that night with it still in and he woke in the morning and decided to remove it himself and dragged it out! Only to find it has a 10ml air bubble on the end to hold it in!! Pain and lots of blood! Youch! 10mls is about marble size :( just think for a moment!
By fv
anything to be proxied has to be brought into SU. But proxy.rb is really wonderful, very very simple. Even if JD would decide to skip this well done rb by Lightup I would still use it and revert the proxies before export. It would of course make export more tedious and time consuming (JD...are you listening... :) ).

I am as thrilled about the new plugin by JD as anyone else here. Its sounds like SU is back in the game for Maxwell. But as I was surfing the web I saw that Rhino is going OSX as well. Looking at the archviz that is done with Rhino I am very interested to see what I can do with Rhino and Maxwell. I am sure for JD a OSX version of the Rhino plugin is a piece of cake..

By numerobis
fv wrote:Richard,
Even if JD would decide to skip this well done rb by Lightup I would still use it and revert the proxies before export.
there is already a proxy function in the current plugin - don't know if it's working now, but it worked with v1.7.
By JDHill
Okay, I've got the proxy functionality re-implemented. Since it just looks for the substring _proxy in the name of a component, it will work with your proxy.rb script, as this is also the convention used there.
By fv
ok, good news.

But proxy.rb does the proxy different than the current Maxwell plugin.
Do you mean to let us know you implemented the proxy.rb way of using proxies. I would be very happy with that.

Big TX JD.
By JDHill
Honestly, I didn't even look at how the current plugin works. Basically,

- a component instance in SU refers to a component definition
- if the definition an instance points to has '_proxy' in its name, then:
- the plugin attempts to swap out this definition for another that matches, but without '_proxy'

That's also how proxy.rb works, so it will work with the plugin. The solution is generic though -- it will work fine if you do it manually, or by any other means: as long as the definition has '_proxy', and there exists another which doesn't, then the swap will occur, assuming the option is enabled in the plugin.
By brodie_geers
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but will the plugin have a feature to do my household budget and/or online banking as well? If it's not in the initial release, perhaps consideration for a future release?

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what about gpu maxwell q project?