All posts relating to Maxwell Render 1.x
By zdeno
oh! I am flattered . My map was monochromatic BTW.

so if this is not a bug it must be filtering that produces some sort of 6faced tops on mesh or 3faces inward and 3faces outward - How You think (know) Tom?

so this is time for vol.2 - You think to start vol.2 in new thread ? or just in this one ?
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By tom
zdeno wrote:oh! I am flattered . My map was monochromatic BTW.
Yes, could be. In the end, any RGB is modifying the normals ;)
zdeno wrote:so if this is not a bug it must be filtering that produces some sort of 6faced tops on mesh or 3faces inward and 3faces outward - How You think (know) Tom?
Well, it depends on the composition of the map. For example, you can have only 2 speculars with a plain checkerboard. The frequency of the boxes determines the brightness of specular (as it involves with probability) and the color of boxes determine the direction of normal. So, it was easy for me to reach the target.
zdeno wrote:so this is time for vol.2 - You think to start vol.2 in new thread ? or just in this one ?
However you like. :)
By zdeno
so You did it with normalmap ? I get this with bumpmap only.
so MAXWELL MATERIAL RIDDLE vol.2 in this place to avoid chaos ;)


I remember this suprise during first time with Maxwell- how this could be I cant get specular and saturated color in one material??!!
after many years It shows clear , it is possible and maxwell can do anything :D!!

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By tom
zdeno wrote:so You did it with normalmap ? I get this with bumpmap only.
Yes, normal or bump. Possible with both...

Oh, sorry about riddle #2 but it's very easy. You only need to do the similar trick in roughness slot. :)

For example:

Do you have a 3rd one already?

By zdeno
I am speechless You are Jedi of mxm's :)

Why You did not show this one earlier ? I would save 2 years of research:D

3rd one has to be rendered first.
By zdeno
Holly .... !

I will never do this mistake twice ! so ...


How to get about 20 bilion dollars in two days ?
How to wake up and find Charlize Theron in my own bed?

please answer quickly ;)

best regards
By zdeno
Hi ! Thanks Hyltom ! I am flattered X2 !

It is funny but after my tests looks like this one BSDF have smaller benchmark like common 2bsdf specular material. But it indeed looks prettier. First of all this one is much more close to psychicaly correctness like 2 layer one :D

I am using 10X10 pixels texture this is easy to count contribution of collors (in example I resized this to better show purposes)

And RIDDLE vol.3 how to achieve something like this, very high reflection on "grazing angle" WITHOUT .R2 file in maxwell 1.7 , ups sorry B. 1.7.1

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By tom
zdeno wrote:And RIDDLE vol.3 how to achieve something like this, very high reflection on "grazing angle" WITHOUT .R2 file in maxwell 1.7 , ups sorry B. 1.7.1
A couple of additives with low Nd would be enough. ;)
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