All posts relating to Maxwell Render 1.x
Hi Nicole -

I think I'm confused (again). I bought a single license of Maxwell and it's showing 4 due to the license change. At the moment, how many machines does this allow me to run for cooperative renders, 4 counting my workstation?

If I buy an upgrade will I have 1 workstation license and 3 nodes, or just 1 machine and no nodes unless I buy them as well? That sounds kinda like a downgrade, so I'm hoping that would not be the case.

Thanks /b
simmsimaging wrote:Hi Nicole -

I think I'm confused (again). I bought a single license of Maxwell and it's showing 4 due to the license change. At the moment, how many machines does this allow me to run for cooperative renders, 4 counting my workstation?

If I buy an upgrade will I have 1 workstation license and 3 nodes, or just 1 machine and no nodes unless I buy them as well? That sounds kinda like a downgrade, so I'm hoping that would not be the case.

Thanks /b
That's the most important question actually - I want to know this too!
OMG - don't scare !

If it is true , then smartest thing would be spend all money for 2 extra PC and staing with 1.7 version.

Hoply something like that could invent only Evil master who is going to close all biznes and spend rest of life on hawaii

Important note about upgrades to Maxwell Render V2: Our aim is to be as flexible as possible with your upgrades. You can upgrade as many (or as few) of your current licenses as you wish. You can also upgrade your version 1 standard licenses to V2 rendernode licenses (if you do not require as many GUI/user licenses but wish to retain them for render only machines) provided you upgrade at least one version 1 Standard licenses to a V2 standard license. Pricing information will be made available when Maxwell Render V2 is released.

If your license file states 4 due to the license change, that means you currently hold 4 Standard Maxwell Render 1.7 licenses. If you would like to continue to keep running Maxwell Render on one workstation machine and 3 additional rendering-only machines, you should upgrade one license to V2 Standard and 3 licenses to V2 Rendernode. It all depends on how many machines you want to be able to run concurrently.

Hope this helps.


for my case (splash screen says: 4+0), are these the options?:

- buy one v1 to v2 standard license upgrade and turn the three other v1 standard licenses to v2 rendernode licenses for free? (splash screen would then show 1+3)

- buy one v1 to v2 standard license upgrade and turn the three other v1 standard licenses to v2 rendernode licenses for a cheaper price (since rendernode licenses are in fact cheaper then standard licenses)? (splash screen would then show 1+3)

- buy four v1 to v2 standrad license upgrades and pay 4 times the standard-licence-upgrade-price? (splash screen would then still show 4+0)
These are all correct:

- buy one v1 to v2 standard license upgrade and turn the three other v1 standard licenses to v2 rendernode licenses for a cheaper price (since rendernode licenses are in fact cheaper then standard licenses)? (splash screen would then show 1+3)

- buy four v1 to v2 standrad license upgrades and pay 4 times the standard-licence-upgrade-price? (splash screen would then still show 4+0)
for my case (splash screen says: 4+0), are these the options?:

- As you only have 2 computers (as your sign states) you could upgrade 1 full license + 1 node (1+1). If you buy another machine you could upgrade later the remaining licenses.

Sorry Mashium but number 1 is not correct! ;)


I got 8 standart licenses so far since I'm a user since early beta version...

I would change them for one v2 standart license. ... any chance? :)

nevertheless I don't expect the upgrade to be too expensive regarding the 25% discount for new user's these days.
It won't be a good idea to make people pay 100% who bought it some time ago and contributed to the community for years ;)
Last edited by on Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
simmsimaging wrote:Hi Nicole -

I think I'm confused (again). I bought a single license of Maxwell and it's showing 4 due to the license change. At the moment, how many machines does this allow me to run for cooperative renders, 4 counting my workstation?

If I buy an upgrade will I have 1 workstation license and 3 nodes, or just 1 machine and no nodes unless I buy them as well? That sounds kinda like a downgrade, so I'm hoping that would not be the case.

Thanks /b

So the Upgrade to V2 is De Facto a Downgrade and also more expensive than the original V1 purchase
(how much more is depending on the purchase-date).
  • If you want to keep the same amount of Editor-seats for one license as before you now have to pay 345€*4=1380€
  • A set which allows for rendering on 4 machines but restricts the Editor seats to just one costs 345€+(3*195€)=930€
If you choose the second variation you also lose the option to upgrade 3 licenses to full licenses again.

Both variations are more expensive as the undiscounted original price of the software; this is nothing I know as Upgrade-pricing.
Last edited by Polyxo on Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
wo, wo polyxo slowly here.

actually you only got one standard license for 895 € and not four.
the matter that you have 4 licenses is because next limit gave you 3 licenses in addition because they changed the licensing policy.

although i am not too happy with my upgrade prices, too (especially i expected the upgrade from standard to render node a bit cheaper - this looks almost the same price as render node to render node)
your calculation is not quite right here. (well the pure math is...)
Last edited by big K on Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
big K wrote:wo, wo polyxo slowly here.

actually you only got one standard license for 895 € and not four.
the matter that you have 4 licenses is because next limit gave you 3 licenses in addition because they changed the licensing policy.

although i am not too happy with my upgrade prices, too (especially i expected the upgrade from standard to render node a bit cheaper)
your calculation is not quite right here. (well the pure math is...)
I'm not sure you are correct - maybe I only used the word license a bit careless.
One license used to entitle you to run on four machines. If you now buy one license you can run just one.
Please present your calculation I'd be happy to see a surprise.
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