Finally i can post my question, as a VIP :)

so correct me if I'm wrong, but so far my conclusion is:
there is no way you can have two different projections in one material in cinema 4D, right?

(I tried searching but couldn't find any threads, so excuse me if it was asked before)

My example, i need a cubic mapping for the bump, but i need planar for logo in the same material.

Only solution i have now is opening maxwell studio and re-edit channels/projections in the material there.
so i have a planar projection in channel 1 (the logo/decal) and cubic projection in channel 0 for a bump map.

Or is there a better way?

I just hate leaving cinema for only fixing the projection... its too time consuming for every render.. to reopen edit.. etc.

(and i dont want to hear as a solution: MX version 2! :p at least not yet..)

v2... aah.. stacked layers ;)... ies... speed... Yes off course I dream of it!


Hi Camiel,

Sorry to say, there is no way, as of yet, to accomodate multiple projections in the Cinema plugin. Mostly, it has to do with Cinema's 1:1 material-to-projection model (i.e. just having a single projection on the texture tag). So far, this won't be changed in the V2 plugin either, since it needs a totally custom solution, and I have not yet come up with a good way of handling it. I've thought that it might be accomplished using an extra tag that would get associated to the material tag; so it would be like a material tag, but it wouldn't have a separate material - rather it would basically 'instance' the material attached to the main Maxwell material tag, and you would associate the projection on the extra tag with a given channel number. That's just a rough concept at this point in time though; feel free to let me know if you have any thoughts about how you'd like it to work.

Something that will improve in the V2 plugin though is the ability to visualize texture tile & offset (also invert, saturation, contrast, brightness, rgbmin, & rgbmax) in the Cinema viewport.


Ok thats clear :)

Thanks for the quick reply.

but it should be solved in v2 because of the stacked layers or am i wrong here?
because cinema can stack materials from itself.. doesnt that info go straigh to maxwell v2 as a stacked material?
like using a separate material with just alpha and the logo/decal. and beneath that is a cubic mapped bumped material.
i thought that would be possible with v2..

I like the idea of an extra material tag with a different projection mode. Like an extra tag that has channel selection box with 0-9.

Thanks for the help.
"but it should be solved in v2 because of the stacked layers or am i wrong here? because cinema can stack materials from itself.. doesnt that info go straigh to maxwell v2 as a stacked material?"

That's an interesting point. It was surely not realistic with the 1.x system, but I suppose it would not be difficult to simply let you put multiple Maxwell material tags on an object, then to combine them all into a single material (by adding together all the layers inside of them) during export. Some assumptions would have to be made regarding material-wide settings (dispersion, etc.), but we could just use the first material for those and ignore those settings from the rest. Maybe then, rather than a '0-9' extra tag, what do you think of: if there are multiple Maxwell materials on an object, then they are combined, the textures in the first are put on channel 0, those in the second on channel 1, and so on? Do you think that would be a reasonable way? It would be more generic than having a special tag, it would have no effect if you weren't using it, and it would follow along well with, as you note, the normal material-stacking way of Cinema. The only downside I can think of right away would be that it wouldn't be possible to have multiple projections within a single component (i.e. BSDF).
JDHill wrote: if there are multiple Maxwell materials on an object, then they are combined, the textures in the first are put on channel 0, those in the second on channel 1, and so on? Do you think that would be a reasonable way? It would be more generic than having a special tag, it would have no effect if you weren't using it, and it would follow along well with, as you note, the normal material-stacking way of Cinema. The only downside I can think of right away would be that it wouldn't be possible to have multiple projections within a single component (i.e. BSDF).
hmm.. not completely following you there, why impossible?
and multiple materials tags would be nice yes.
first in 0 second in 1 channel and so on.. wouldn't that even be possible with v1.x?
And why the downside? in cinema you can set different projections on the 2nd and 3th material, so why not set that info in the uv set? is that impossible?
I mean if you would use the same material twice.. you actually dont even need stacked layers. because it's one material, it combines the projections, because its the same material twice.

so in cinema you use the same material twice and set one projection on cubic and one on flat. because the new cinema plugin detects the same material it combines
them. Objects or selections.
Forgive me.. im a newbie, maybe its impossible..

thanks for the quick info ;)
What I'm saying is that in a single BSDF, I don't see much of a way to have, say, a cubic projection in the reflectance0 texture and a spherical one in the transmittance texture, since that BSDF is going to live in a single material on a single Cinema texture tag. To get around that, you'd need to use the other idea of a separate non-material tag. I shy away from that though, because it adds alot of conceptual real estate to the plugin, while really only adding the ability to use multiple channels. We ought to be able to get a similar functionality with the simpler multiple-material tag idea.

I'll think about this a bit and make some tests as soon as I get the chance...
JDHill wrote:"but it should be solved in v2 because of the stacked layers or am i wrong here? because cinema can stack materials from itself.. doesnt that info go straigh to maxwell v2 as a stacked material?"

That's an interesting point. It was surely not realistic with the 1.x system, but I suppose it would not be difficult to simply let you put multiple Maxwell material tags on an object, then to combine them all into a single material (by adding together all the layers inside of them) during export. Some assumptions would have to be made regarding material-wide settings (dispersion, etc.), but we could just use the first material for those and ignore those settings from the rest. Maybe then, rather than a '0-9' extra tag, what do you think of: if there are multiple Maxwell materials on an object, then they are combined, the textures in the first are put on channel 0, those in the second on channel 1, and so on? Do you think that would be a reasonable way? It would be more generic than having a special tag, it would have no effect if you weren't using it, and it would follow along well with, as you note, the normal material-stacking way of Cinema. The only downside I can think of right away would be that it wouldn't be possible to have multiple projections within a single component (i.e. BSDF).

that´s a good idea, JD.
just make sure to use the cinema way of getting the number one material as cinema goes from left to right (you can use mixed materials in c4d if you check the add texture additive in the material tag for all materials but the base one) with right being the material on top (i.e. the material that overrides all other materials when the add option is not checked) you can also use multiple prejection types this way, but only one uvw tag is possible in cinema so far. so only one uvw mapping is supported. but this can be mixed with cubic projection for example.

the base material (channel 0) would then be the mat on the left. with the following materials to the right adding new channels. maybe the additive option could be also integrated in maxwell materials. if this option is not checked then it is like in cinema, only the rightmost material is used.

i hope i have not mixed things up
Last edited by big K on Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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