Probably a known issue that I just didn't know about but it seems that somewhere in the export the texture mapping gets all screwy if you don't use fixed pins while doing the mapping in SU. I had some pretty complicated mapping to do last week and a lot of it was just a bit easier to turn off fixed pins and make it look right that way. Alas, my shortcut turned out to be a very elaborate way for me to waste a LOT of time. Once I finally exported it the texture mapping on those areas that I'd mapped w/o fixed pins was craziness.

This is mostly just a gripe but in the off chance there's a workaround I'm listening.


Try making a component of the areas that are effected and copy them (as component) to a out of camera part of the scene (possibly best under ground plane) and see if this make any difference to the original. I'm not sure this will solve the issue, I do seem to recall the export not supporting textures manipulated by free pin, though not so sure!
thanks for the tip. I'll give that a shot if it ever comes up again. I went ahead and spent half the day redoing my textures. Oh well, I guess that's part of the benefit of getting paid by the hour and not by the job. Now if you could just solve this other problem where the client wants to be able to see both the whole building as well as all of the trees in front which block the building...

Hopefully that was the problem for you. Post back and let us know how it went. Other than that one error I've never had any issues w/ the Maxwell UV matching my Sketchup materials placement and scale perfectly.

I too have never had any issues with scale texture and placement!

Though this week I stumbled across a new issue that had me stumped big time! I started a new model for a client in SU7 from altering an existing model created in SU6. The resulting renders produced a wide black line vertically down the model.

No material changes, camera angles or anything I did excepting complete reconstruction of the geometry would make an effect! The problem would still occur if the new geometry was replaced within an existing group! Also the issue wasn't limited to the one model but occured on several and with any material in the effected groups!

Weird, and a full day of frustration!!
I don't really have too much issue with studio mate! But yes did that too! Did everything one could think of! Funny even if I flipped the object end to end on the scene as the camera looked at it, it still ended up in the same spot relative to the camera not the geometry and even if I panned the camera across it still occured at the same spot on the geometry! Now thats REALLY REALLY wierd!!!!!!!
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