By pipcleo
Using ground rotation seems to alter the sun position relative to north.
Is this correct ?

Last edited by pipcleo on Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
By pipcleo
just checked this with 1.6 on another machine and it works fine.
Not sure when this bug crept in but can anyone confirm ?
Further tests are showing some weirdness with sun positions even without using ground plane rotation.

The sun and shadow does not seem to be placed where studio indicates

....ok.... in 1.7.1 the sun seems to rotate twice the angle of the ground plane rotation.
If the ground plane is rotated a full 360 degrees the sun rotates 720 degrees which is seen in the viewport.

Any fixes , suggestions or confirmations ?
By JDHill
Looks like a small bug. Here, the only discrepancy is in the viewport indicator - the actual ground rotation parameter is correct, and renders correctly, while the yellow indicator is getting a double rotation. I guess what's happening is that the compass gets rotated, and the sun indicator is then getting rotated relative to the compass, rather than absolutely.
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By Ernesto
This sun locator problem have been reported 6 month ago, and we are still waiting for a solution.
It is discouraging that a version 2 is being announced, but we have not a full working version 1 yet.
I have waited unsuccesfully for years te get a version free of bugs.
Pleasse give existting customers PRIORITY.
I think we have certan rights!

By Josephus Holt
JDHill wrote:Looks like a small bug. Here, the only discrepancy is in the viewport indicator - the actual ground rotation parameter is correct, and renders correctly, while the yellow indicator is getting a double rotation. I guess what's happening is that the compass gets rotated, and the sun indicator is then getting rotated relative to the compass, rather than absolutely.
Yes, small bug, but an important very small feature to ensure that we have the sun in the right place when doing sun studies.

By the way, it is not rotating relative to the change in the ground rotation (which is what I might have expected), but acts very unexpectedly when rotating the ground/scene.

Can we get this fixed???
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