By kami
three threads in a row - all started by me ... sorry for that. :roll:
but I got another question, not concerning maxwell.

is there any rhino render (preferably free) which can render out ambient occlusion? I know it's not physically correct, but sometimes it really is a nice to have!

thanks for any hints,
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By polynurb
i hope no one minds if i point to another renderer here... but it is something completely different than maxwell .. so :

not free but for 450 bucks you can get AIR

played with the trial a while ago... the plugin interface is oldskool, but it gets most things done. (caustics are not accessible though, you have to script, or add lights in airspace)
and it seems to have a good baking solution.

this is also renderman.. a little bit of a different world.. but together with maxwell you can make very interesting images...

air's rib supports native nurbs curve rendering with linetype support from rhino!!

i think the best solution for rendering curves in rhino i have yet seen.
By kami
I've tried around those programs for a bit today. thanks for the suggestions.
RhinoMan is still not available for Rhino4, that's why I can't use 3Delight, even though it looks very nice.
The Demo of AIR works fine with RhinoAir, but those 450$ are a bit to much for 1 or 2 occlusion renderings from time to time :(
I hope there'll be a RhinoMan available some day ...
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By polynurb
Kami you could also get 3dcoat.. it has a basic function for AO calculation, and you can import/export via OBJ.
I like it, despite it's buggyness,.. costs 200$. .. but watch out .. you'll get hooked on the painting functions :wink:

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