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By Ernesto
I have tried all kind of things to use a material provided with the Maxwell Softare in a project inside Maya.
I get all kind of errors, and am reallly lost on which is the right procedure to do so!

Using Maya 7 on WinXP64bits and Maxwell 1.7

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By Mihnea Balta
The right procedure is to use the "Import MXM" button. If it doesn't work, please provide more details - like the exact error messages - and we'll try to figure it out.

Also, please note that in our experience, Maya 7 is unstable on 64-bit operating systems. This is not related to the plug-in, various UI problems show up even on systems where the Maxwell plug-in has never been installed. As a matter of fact, Maxwell 2.0 will no longer support Maya 7, because too many things are missing or broken in that version.
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By Ernesto
Thanks Mihnea Balta,

I have managed to import a maxwell material using the import mxm button inside the material settings.
I had to create a new material and then import a mxm into it. Is that the rright way?
I am sure I managed asigning the material because In the Maya viewport, the Maxwell materials looks green.
Anyway, Maxwell cannot render it because it cannot find the map, which is part of the material.
Is it necesary to set a special path for maxwell maps?
If so, can you guide me to do it succesfully?
Thanks in advance!
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By Mihnea Balta
Your procedure is correct: create a new Maxwell material, assign it, click Import in the material UI and select the MXM file.

The textures aren't embedded in the MXM files. The material simply contains paths and those paths are imported as they are in Maya. If the renderer complains about missing textures, it either means that you don't have the textures at all, or that the paths stored in the MXM are wrong. The easiest solution is to move the textures which come with a MXM to the "sourceimages" directory of your Maya project, because Maya automatically looks for missing textures in that directory.
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