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By Richard
Though not the only time this has occured.

I've Imported a tree in 3ds format from xfrog, everytime time I select all the branches, trunk etc and try to merge - studio crashes.

Windows Vista Ult (SP1) 64bit , dual core 2.2ghz, 2 gb ram.

Studio 1.7.1 64bit
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By Bubbaloo
How many triangles in the objects you are trying to merge? With only 2 mb RAM, I suspect you are running out. Vista 64 is a memory hog while even just at idle. Mine reads over 1 GB used at idle...
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By Richard
Bubbaloo wrote:How many triangles in the objects you are trying to merge? With only 2 mb RAM, I suspect you are running out. Vista 64 is a memory hog while even just at idle. Mine reads over 1 GB used at idle...
Yeah you probably have hit the issue there mate! I figured that may have been the issue!
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By Richard
Mind you I think even desipte the memory shortage a complete crash is a bit of a drastic way to punish. Maybe an error report - "Action can not be completed"!
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By bejack
I have the same issue with imported data... seems to be a problem with objects whose normals are "not correct"...

try to check this and flip normals. then it mostly worked for me.
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