By kami

I'm having problems with a mesh and don't know what to do ...
The model was imported from sketchup using .dwg
that's what it looks like rendered:
in rhino it looks good (in rendered and shaded view)

i've tried so far: exploding it, unwelding, rebuildnormals
is there anything else I'm missing?

By JDHill
Looks like the normals are just wrong. If you send me part of it, I'll see if I can find a fix.
By Cadhorn
I've had similar trouble with sketchup -> rhino imported data. The meshes are ... "messy". Generally, I convert the meshes to nurbs (meshtonurbs) then merge the resulting faces (mergeallfaces). Caveat: don't do this to all of the meshes at once... Rhino generally hangs if I try to convert the entire scene at once, but doing a handful at a time usually works.

This has nothing to do with Maxwell, but: am I the only one who can't get Rhino's Sketchup import to work? I always end up exporting from Sketchup to dwg or 3ds (?), then importing that to Rhino.
By kami
thanks for the offer jd, i'll send it in the evening if cadhorns approach does not work.
I'm always having problems importing sketchup documents into rhino Since I really like rhino I blame it on sketchup :) It doesn't matter which file format is used, but usually dwg works the best.
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By polynurb
kami you can also try to unweld to 0 degrees before exploding... you will then get all triangles seperately and then join again.

If, like that wall, shapes are simple, and closed or easy to close (fill meshHole/s) applying the unify normals command should also have the desired effect.

btw... sketchup is known for it's bad mesh topology.. but rhino doesn't shine here either....
By kami
I accidentally overwrote the old file but I somehow fixed the problem by reexporting. I'll report back the next time I run into problems ... hopefully not too soon :)

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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