By weetie
I can't render certain standard SU components. The man who shows up when you open a new SU file can't render because a jpg is missing. The error message is: "File "C:/Programme/Next Limit/Maxwell/materials database/mxm files/sam/HighFreqBumpLight.jpg" has not been found. Render cannot continue".
I'm finding some other standard components that have this problem too. The odd thing is that there is no jpg assigned to the materials that can't render. I tried creating a folder path to match the one its looking for & placing the HighFreqBumpLight.jpg in there, but that didn't work. The problem goes away if I just create a new material & apply it in place of the one that doesn't work, but I don't want to have to hunt through my model for problem materials - takes a lot of time.
Is there some way to get Maxwell Render to override these "missing" jpgs, or tell it where to find them?
By pelias
Do you have auto-mxm enabled when trying to render? If this is the case then SU plugin looks for MXM materials with the same name as SU material used in the scene and this can result in problems you are mentioning. In that case you can disable Auto-mxm (if you do not need it) in plugin export options.

In addition to that there is a "Image Search Path" parameter in export options - this allows you to specify the folder where to look for missing textures (and other supporting files). If you cannot render because you have MXMs with path pointing in folders which are not available than you can just copy textures to a single folder and point image search path to that folder.

Hope this helps

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