By Gary

I just finished a large job and wanted to relay some problems experienced with the Z plug-in.

1. MXS files created from Z were able to render to MXCL but were not able to open in Studio (program would crash when loading data).

2. After placing all referenced files/images in the same folder as MXS, Studio was able to open MXS but this was not repeatable. It has stopped opening some MXS files it was just able to open.

3. the irony is I was only trying to open in Studio to do a Pack and Go, and I basically had to do a manual Pack and Go to open in Studio.

4. the form Z file uses symbols, perhaps 75, with in some cases, hundreds of symbol placements. In a few renderings, placed symbols would:

A. render when sent from formZ directly to MXCL.
B. are not visible an d would not render when opened in studio and region rendered
C. not render when sent to a render farm (Ranch computing)

By pelias
I am trying to reproduce these problems without success so far - I will keep trying. I guess the problem is related to symbols.

What version of formZ plugin are you using?

By Gary
Hello Pavol:

I was using the most current version (not sure on version #). I updated last week on the 09/01/2009 release but then stepped back down to older version thinking newer version might have been the cause. Older version did not help.

Happy to provide file if that helps.

By Gary
Hello Pavol:

Any luck reproducing this problem? It would be great to see it sorted out as I have had other formz symbols to maxwell problems in the past.


By pelias
No luck so far - I've contacted you via PM about sending the file.

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