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By choo-chee
I moved to vista 64 instead of xp 32 bit. Now, every old model I have (same maya, 2008) will not open. after I load it maya hangs. new models with new materials work fine, older models stop maya from responding after all materials appear in the hypershade window... what can be done ? thanx
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By choo-chee
sending in a few minutets. BTW saving as *.ma will not help...
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By choo-chee
ok 1 scene sent (without textures)
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By Mihnea Balta
Thank you, I'll look into it as soon as possible.
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By choo-chee
I also sent the textures now. Hope you find a solution, I think it's related to materials because I can export parts of the files and then when I open them they start out as wire frame, the minute I press "6" for textures maya hangs....
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By Mihnea Balta
The scene opens OK here under 64-bit Maya, but I don't have all the textures (you're using many textures from MXM materials which I don't have). Generating the viewport preview for that many materials will probably take a while, but not too long unless you've set the hardware texturing resolution higher than 128x128.

You could try removing the .mayaSwatches directory from the directory where the scene files are located. If that fixes the hang it's most likely a problem with the material previews. Note that if you remove this directory you'll lose all the preview images which you had in Hypershade, so you'll need to generate them again.
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By choo-chee
thanx but in my PC it still hangs. I think something may be wrong with the display ? ati fireGL 3600 ... I re-installed the driver, maya, maxwell .... still hangs when I try to see textures in the viewport .
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By choo-chee
it appears as if maya is "calculating" the way to show me the material on each object, for tons and tons of time. I've just waited about 3 minutes to see a shader displayed on a simple plane....
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By choo-chee
and after testing regular maya shaders, it appears that maxwell forces the hardware preview to be "combined" and not only color etc. so it must take hours to show a scene like mine.... my video card is FireGL 3600 on 64 bit vista, which is supposed to be better than my old Geforce 7600 GS on 32 bit XP.
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By Mihnea Balta
The "combined" texture mode doesn't have a large impact on performance compared to single-texture mode. It's always been the default, so there's no reason why it should start showing problems now. It's not exactly the same thing as the hardware texturing mode found on the native Maya materials.

It sounds to me like the default texture resolution in the 64-bit Maya you're using is not 32x32. I don't know if there's a way to alter that default, but you can try the following script which will force 32x32 on everything:
Code: Select all
string $textures[] = `ls -type file`;
for($i = 0; $i < size($textures); ++$i)
	string $attrs[] = `listAttr -string resolution $textures[$i]`;
	if(size($attrs) == 0)
		addAttr -ln resolution -at long -dv 32 $textures[$i];
	setAttr ($textures[$i] + ".resolution") 32;

string $materials[] = `ls -type maxwellMaterial`;
for($i = 0; $i < size($materials); ++$i)
	setAttr ($materials[$i] + ".hwTextureQuality") 1;
Just paste this in the script editor and hit ctrl+enter.

Generating previews larger than 128x128 is very slow, but unfortunately we can't do anything about it. Maya has had this problem with plug-in materials since forever. All the time is spent inside Maya's own code, not in the plug-in code, so we can't optimize anything here.
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By choo-chee
thanks again. I tried but to no avail. I don't understand why a better video card with better OS result poor performance. I don't know what causing it but even applying materials in new scenes is slowwwwwwww. impossible to work like this.
By voxelpictures
Please send me the *ma file and i'll take a look at it. I'm Beta testing Maya for years now and this seems comming from an unapproved driver for MAYA of your FireGL card. Please check the hardware qualified driver (maya help menu) and uninstall all drivers related to ATI, remove firegl from PCI/AGP port, reboot, delete registry if possible and install fresh copy of APPROVED driver on your machine again. The biggest mistake is updating latest driver of your card all the time. The hardware qualified chart gives you the only drivers approved for Autodesk products. Stick to that even if its an old driver, it has been tested to work and the limitations are publish there.

Please check if you have also NetFramework 3.0 64bit and MAYA SP1.

Please send me your feedback after that.

Roshan Martin
dipl. 3D Animator - Visualization Specialist
Autodesk MyFeedback Beta Tester Team
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By choo-chee
Hello... I tried installing the qualified driver but it will not work. But I'm gonna check what you suggested..
By voxelpictures
Once the card driver is installed and working, open your graphic display settings from the windows desktop and check that it is actually using MAYA presets. please do not overwrite these settiings. If not, apply maya preset and reboot the machine.

start Maya, if problms persist, check the script status under the TEMP windows folder where you should have the *ma_backup saved by maya before crashing the session. The script editor status gives the exact problem in the scene before crashing. Your answer is here. Please send that to me or just publish it here so that others have an idea of the bug, we are all here to learn!

good luck.

Update: just to test: open your old scene, drag a default lambert on all the models in the scne. Delete all unused texture nodes in hypershade now by using DELETE UNUSED TEXTURE NODES IN HYPERSHADE MENU.
Resave your scene in a new maya *ma file on your the actual machine and open it again. Do you see where i come from?

Awaiting your update.
Last edited by voxelpictures on Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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