By JDHill
Thanks for pointing that out polynurb - about eight lines of code changed in strategic places, and we can now (next version, of course) use these textures in the material editor and the Rhino viewport too. Cheers!
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By polynurb
JDHill wrote:Thanks for pointing that out polynurb - about eight lines of code changed in strategic places, and we can now (next version, of course) use these textures in the material editor and the Rhino viewport too. Cheers!
that sounds good... thinking about it now.. it would be great if the adjustments made in the color control box colud be displayed in viewport too. I like that feature, but it is tricky because you only see the changes in the little texture preview window. Here i sometimes struggle to get an image of the whole texture (eg. tiling below 1). A button to view 1:1 pixel could be very helpful.. also for adjusting.

a little thing on the side.. thanks to my multi monitor system that color control window always pops up first on the primary viewport screen.. when i hit the slider icon again it appears next to the material window (where it should be).
Now i know you don't have a second screen for testing but maybe you know a way to always show the window on the screen where the cursor is on?

i spent a lot of time with texturing in rhino lately as i had a complex exterior landscape where i had to use displacements and instancing for clipmapped plants. in the end the scene took about 4-5 min to load depending on the number of (textured)viewoprts .. fair enough.. all textures together were about 500mb so may take it's time. The annoying part was that a scene which rendered fine, when saved and reopened without modification, would contain meshing errors and did't export :?
I tried it with restoring viewport materials... which eventually worked, but took about forever (~20min) and memory consumption was like that:

didn't even know a 32 bit process (running on x64) can take up so much ram.. it did throw exceptions as well here and there maxing the ram out...

after that .. i went to isolate the troublesome geometry by hand, as the log viewer did not state what object the problem was or what it was related to....
Hence the "maxwell geometry check" command did not find errors either no bad objects..ect.
I will get you a screenshot next time i get it, but it really only says like "...export cancled due to meshing errors..."

now i found two groups of objects where i needed to run "refresh shade" to fix the error; they all had projectors with the rigth channels for the assigned materials so i still don't get it... the downside is that refreshshade messes up the texture projection until you click on a different texture in the material editor.
my suggestion now would be to enable "restoring viewport materials" for a single material only; to avoid system stalls and save time.

..coming back to the texture loading time, i have a not so little wish: :roll:

a tool to control global texture quality, like:

level 0 = no resize/compression
level 1 = all assigned textures internally converted upon load into jpg format 90%, no resize. (rgb and/or greyscale option)
level 2 = all converted to 90% jpg and resized to 50%
level 3 = 75% jpg resized to 1024
level 4 = custom control :D

..the great help would be that also viewport manipulation/resizing/loading would be much faster, and then for the final render, just switch back to level 0...

after all i should mention that the progress of the plug in has been great and you are about to add stuff faster than i can adapt to it :oops:

...keep the versions coming :wink:

By JDHill
Hmm, okay a few things there.
it would be great if the adjustments made in the color control box colud be displayed in viewport too.
Sorry, but that would mean saving a new file to disk, re-building every Rhino material that uses it, and calling a regen on the viewport >> every time you touch a slider. It's already processor-intensive enough (if you didn't notice) to show those changes in the plugin's texture editor.
thanks to my multi monitor system that color control window always pops up first on the primary viewport screen
It's not your multi-monitor, it happens that way the first time I open it too. Just something in the guts of .NET and Windows, I guess.
"...export cancled due to meshing errors..."
About all the stuff leading up to that - I highly doubt it has anything at all to do with textures. That message should mean there was something funky with the Rhino render meshes, and Maxwell did not like them. The plugin's Maxwell_CheckFixAndReportBadGeometry command would not be able to detect these kinds of problems - it only knows about them when the attempt to write them into the MXS fails. Check and try adjusting the meshing parameters for the scene. The other clue is that RefreshShade affected this - I am guessing that command re-validates render meshes as it does its' job, so when you exported again after running it, you were exporting different meshes than before you ran it.
a tool to control global texture quality, like:
As with Maxwell, to show textures in the viewport, I just point Rhino at some file on your you're really asking the wrong guy about this - you need some control in Rhino for how it loads textures. Internally, the plugin reads the file, re-sizes the pixels down to something small, and caches that, so it doesn't have to do a disk-read next time.
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By polynurb
Sorry, but that would mean saving a new file to disk, re-building every Rhino material that uses it, and calling a regen on the viewport >> every time you touch a slider. It's already processor-intensive enough (if you didn't notice) to show those changes in the plugin's texture editor.
..thought so... but, theoretically could it be done via openGL extension?
btw, i never noticed any lag with the slider.

About all the stuff leading up to that - I highly doubt it has anything at all to do with textures. That message should mean there was something funky with the Rhino render meshes, and Maxwell did not like them. The plugin's Maxwell_CheckFixAndReportBadGeometry command would not be able to detect these kinds of problems - it only knows about them when the attempt to write them into the MXS fails. Check and try adjusting the meshing parameters for the scene. The other clue is that RefreshShade affected this - I am guessing that command re-validates render meshes as it does its' job, so when you exported again after running it, you were exporting different meshes than before you ran it.
i disabled "restoring viewport materials upon load" so i expected to get the same meshes on reopening;
- the odd thing is that the mesh settings remain the same they work after refresh shade but not upon reload.
What is the deciding factor for an object to output an ID or not upon checking/writing mxs?
it would really help if the faulty geometry was always pointed out in the log.

As with Maxwell, to show textures in the viewport, I just point Rhino at some file on your you're really asking the wrong guy about this - you need some control in Rhino for how it loads textures. Internally, the plugin reads the file, re-sizes the pixels down to something small, and caches that, so it doesn't have to do a disk-read next time.
.. i had a trail copy of AIR render (Sitex) for rhino running for a while.
it has a feature which converts all textures to internal optimized format before sending it to the render engine... that gave me the idea.. i assumed the plugIn could send optimized textures back to rhino..but
now i think i get your point on the rhino issue.. basically when i load a texture into a mxm, rhino reads it in and passes it to the plug in?! .. not the other way around...

so maybe there are other ways to make such a function possible...

..just some feature that allows to load an alternate set of textures for a material and a draft/production switch... now i suppose that won't work due to mxm limitations...

i hope you get my idea behind it.. working with bigger scenes is very time consuming atm.

..this is getting a wish post,.. or better call it idea post.. please feel free to move it to the other thread...


By JDHill
Apparently the plugin is doing a good job, since you are not seeing how it actually works. It's much simpler than you think. :) If you are looking at an object in the Rhino viewport, and it has a texture on it, it does not matter whether it got that way due to the Maxwell plugin, or if you went to Rhino's Object Properties > Material > Texture, and set a path. That's how the plugin does select a texture in the material editor, the plugin creates a Rhino material (same thing you see in obj props > material) and assigns it to the target objects. There is no OpenGL used here, or even possible - Rhino does the OpenGL stuff and renders its' objects using the materials they're given. So the plugin is continuously building new Rhino materials and assigning them in the viewport in order for you to see some working representation of what will be seen in the Maxwell render. Rhino 'owns' the viewport, and gives plugins access to it through the gateway of Rhino materials.

About 'restore viewport materials' - what this does is run through all the objects, get their Maxwell materials, re-generate corresponding Rhino materials, and assign these. So it makes sure things are synchronized. It has absolutely nothing to do with meshes or their integrity - it is only concerned with synchronizing materials in the viewport.

About outputting an object ID on-error, that would be nice, but the plugin simply does not know which mesh may have caused the error - it only knows that the Maxwell SDK was unable to write the MXS file. I see this much more frequently with meshes from Rhino than I do with those from you know, many people feel Rhino's mesher leaves something to be desired in its' current state.

I'll see about moving this...I'm not sure how to do that. It's good to talk about it anyway - doing so just gave me what might end up being a pretty good idea... :idea:
By Fille
No luck, I'm afraid...
If you remove all of the geometry from this scene and just add a simple cube or something, can you still see the error?
I "saved as", removed all geometry (except three emitters) and now it behaves. ISO and shutter are as they should...
I really don't know what's happening here. Weird.

By JDHill
Isn't that just how it goes. :) ..thanks for taking the time to try it anyway.
By Fille
No, not that either - it's off.

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By NoahPhense
Ok. I do know that even with AE off, that if you use MW's "focus" tool.

It alters the f/stop ..

- np
By JDHill
Yes, it figures the fStop to obtain a near/far depth of field which covers specified objects. I don't think this was due to AE - I suspect that there may have been some funny-business with named views in Philip's file, though I don't really have any way to confirm that.
By Fille
Hi guys!
Ok. I do know that even with AE off, that if you use MW's "focus" tool.

It alters the f/stop ..
Yes, it figures the fStop to obtain a near/far depth of field which covers specified objects.
Ah yes, thanks! I had forgotten about that one... haven't used it for a long time. I don't think, however, that AE is the 'problem'... :?
I suspect that there may have been some funny-business with named views in Philip's file, though I don't really have any way to confirm that.
But, but... I didn't delete any saved views - only geometry - in the test file. The test-view was named "Cam 01."
The file is quite big and also contains some confidential stuff, so I don't think I can send it. I'm sorry.

By kami
Hi JD,
I think I found a bug: When I save a file with physical sky lightning and sun switched OFF, the sun is switched back ON when I reopen this file.
greets, kami
By JDHill
Sorry, but I'm not seeing this here. Just to clear any confusion, the sun being switched on or off is unrelated to the type of sky being used. So to test, I...

1. made a simple scene, saved it as sun_off.3dm
2. set Scene Manager > Environment Settings > Sun to Yes
3. saved the file as sun_on.3dm
4. repeatedly switched Rhino between the two documents

I was unable to duplicate the issue using this sequence - does it also work for you? Could you provide a particular sequence which doesn't?

Thanks much...
By kami
I couldn't repeat the problem myself with a clean file at work. Maybe I had some confusion with my files. But I'll check again at home with the particular file.
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