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By Kevin Olson
I've been out of the loop for a long time. Does anyone know of any quick C4D sample scenes for MR 1.6? ( Not the ones for MX Studio on the NL website )
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By Kevin Olson
Nothing specific really, just a simple "multi-sphere" scene with different materials applied that one cold pick apart within C4D to get a better understanding. I'm on C4D 10.5.

Here's an example...

By alexh
is it possible that you put your c4d test file online. I don't arrive to get this result already!
thank you
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By Kevin Olson
This was a stock scene from modo rendered in modo. I used it as an example only to show what I was looking for. :)
By alexh
Oh :wink: I thought someone from maxwell get the brilliant Idea to prepare such scene to avoid the custumer to look everywhere to get the good result.
I don't understand why maxwell don't do that for each customer plugin package???
Too bad
Thank you
By alexh
:D thank you!
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