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By beatriz
Hey everyone,

The MXM Gallery last contest of this year has just started. and the theme... you guess it... Displacement!

The competition focuses mainly on experimentation and as always, originality will be highly value.

Make the best displaced material and win an impressive Apple iPod Touch, or an apple iPod Nano for the runner-up.

So, thank Santa for the early present and upload your best displaced materials to the MXM Gallery before the end of December. Do not forget to include the keywords “displacement-contest” when uploading the material.
Check out http://mxmgallery.maxwellrender.com for more info.

Good luck!!!
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By Maximus3D
Sounds great! thanks Beatriz :D to bad i already submitted my best displacement materials :(

And what chance do us normal users have against such powerusers as sabkarim who posts 50 excellent materials for the contest when the rest of us posts one or two decent one's. We have no chance to compete with him on this. He already won.

/ Max
Last edited by Maximus3D on Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By beatriz
hi Maximus!

I'm sure you can come out with new original materials that overpass the quality of the first displaced materials, that were actually very good. I mean, if those were your first displaced materials... let's see what you can do within a month!


About the chances... everybody has got chances as we don't judge per user or quantity but for material.
And the criteria is not only technical... so... put your brains to work! Get inspired and good luck!
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By Maximus3D
Beatriz: You're to kind :oops: thank you! :) ..we'll see what i can come up with, but i seriously doubt i can beat his toothbrush materials as they are beyond what i can come up with now. I still think that user X and Y have a bigger chance than the average Joe winning. But i'm not gonna give up as i so badly wanna win that mp3 player (i never owned one before).

Thanks! :)

Btw, i'm having issues uploading one roof material i finished. So far i uploaded it 3 times and everytime i keep getting a email with a name of one of the old textures used as if it autorejects my material based on a filename that no longer exists in the material. Weirdness..

Any clue to why this happens over and over again ?

/ Max
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By Mattia Sullini
Max...come on, everybody knows you are the displacement lord
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By w i l l
I was hoping the prize would be a trip to the Nordic lands, appropriate for Christmas and i'd like to see some snow and Nordic girls.
By beatriz
Hey Max, that's the attitude! don't give up!

About the material rejected, apprently there's one file missing in your material:


It is applied to weight in the second layer.

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By Maximus3D
Koufax: Hehe, that's a nice dream :D thanks!

Mattia: Pffft :oops: thanks tho, i appreciate it.

Will: Good idea! then the winner can come here and pet some nice reindeers :)

Beatriz: :) i'm trying not to but when i see what the other guys post it kinda makes it tough to come up with something better. I doublechecked the material and remade it before i uploaded it the 2nd and 3rd time, i also renamed the textures and reapplied the renamed one's before i uploaded it and still got the same email from the MXM site about that texture. Thanks for looking into it Beatriz. :)

/ Max
By beatriz
Can you send us the material to techdesk@nextlimit.com? we can check here.

Regarding others' materials... seriously, don't make assumptions! There have been surprises on past contests.
By JCAddy
I was hoping the prize would be a trip to Sweden so I could steal Max's computer so that he won't win the next contest this easy! ;)
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?