First off congrats on a great leap forward. All installed without a hitch - I must have done something wrong :D

Been looking at how we can do everything in SW. and it seems possible .

But am I right in saying one needs Photoworks to get the material mapping correct in its angle and scale and type ( cylinder , planar etc)

I have tried just using the realview controls instead of the photoworks tools but had more luck with the photoworks tools --- but I seem to just get myself tied in knots and am wondering if there is a simple way! but thats the SW / real view and photworks interface for you , and I just know I am going to have to learn to use them just to get the textures mapped right ----- arghhhh.

How does one use the displacement map in the pluging? - I try to drag and drop onto the 'volume' within the Maxwell Displacement tab, but it keeps snapping to the Materials tab. The help manual is not very clear - I think it is written by experts for experts and not idiots like me :(

Congrats again

By JDHill
Hi Jonathan,

1. best would be to use the Maxwell Texture Editor. Maxwell can't rotate textures like SW, so if you do that, it will never line up. So for example:

- open the Material Editor
- create a new Material
- right-click the Reflectance 0° Texture button in the BSDF to open the Texture Editor
- browse for a map to use for the main reflectance
- drag the Material onto a body in the viewport
- adjust Tile X or Tile Y (they're tied together in SW)
- left-click the Bump channel's Texture button in the Material Editor to show the Bump channel in the Texture Editor
- browse for a Bump map
- adjust the Bump map
- hover over the parameters in the Texture editor - the InfoTips will tell you tricks, like how to adjust all the Material's Textures at once by holding CTRL+SHIFT, etc.

2. you create a Displacement in the plugin similar to how you do in MXED - right click the Material node (top node, with the Material's name) in the Material Editor's layer-tree. If you really like the Displacement, and want to store it for later, drag it from the Material Editor over into a volume in the Database Manager's Displacements window - later you can drag it from there back into the Material Editor.

Hope it helps,

By jjs
Thanks JD for such a prompt reply - my system keeps crashing with realview so if it is not required - brilliant - never liked it anyway - always had it turned off - SW for engineering - and my brain for aesthetics ! - but I digress.

Are you saying that we no longer need to apply a texture in sw for the plugin to get the UV (?) map to use then for its own textures. ( we had toi do this in the past as a work around) Can it all be done within the Maxwell plugin and we can map the texture to cylinders, spheres, planes etc within this plugin?

I hope this is what you are saying.

Yours confused but hopeful.

By JDHill
Hi Jonathan,

First, you don't need to apply textures with anything but the plugin - really, I find it best if you don't. When you use the plugin, at least I get the chance to set up the viewport to look like the render will, and not the other way around, like when you fiddle with SW things. Second, no I can't read PhotoWorks projections - it's still unclear, but I may have access to some of this type of thing when I drop support for SW2007. For now, map scale is the only thing we can control, and it's best if you do so from the plugin's Texture Editor. Just a note, since we can't read the rotation - If SW doesn't put the texture on in the direction you would like, it will need to be rotated in the actual map file...that's only 0-90-180-270 rotation, but it's helpful to know anyway.

Hope it helps,

By jjs
JD - gone through your tutorial - and getting the hang of this.

Note to every one - sw 2008 is quite stable ( fingures crossed) so the sooner we move over the better :D

Pity about the rotating the texture on an object - - but I think that can be fine tuned in Studio if there are any textures that are direction dependant.

I'll keep playing


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By Eric Lagman
jjs wrote:JD - gone through your tutorial - and getting the hang of this.

Note to every one - sw 2008 is quite stable ( fingures crossed) so the sooner we move over the better :D


I have had good luck so far with 2008 also. Maxwell is written by a company called next limit so this means we should be ahead of the curve and move on to 2008 :wink: Maybe jan 1 2008 we can drop sw 07? :D

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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