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By Bubbaloo
Hey, Ive searched the mxm's to download, but none are exactly what I need.
Can one of you material wizards help?
Here's the look I'm going for:

And here you can download the lego scene to test it with if you want:

Don't need the scratches necessarily, I just can't get it to "glow" like the real lego does. I'm not good with the sss!
Any help is much appreciated!
By tokiop
Hello Bulbaloo !

Interesting challenge ! :) I tried With dielectrics, but they get brighter and brighter after each SL...

Are you sure the geometry is closed? Your ground-plane looks vortex-like here... like Fernando says, it might be an invalid mxs

cheers !
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By Bubbaloo
Oops, I saved this mxs with a test version of the Max plug-in.
I will resave tonight.
Thanks for trying, Fernando!
Tokiop, I'm fairly certain that the geometry is good.
You can use the standard mat test scene if you want.
I just can't get that glow. :cry:
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By hyltom
Fernando material is definitely really convincing, but i feel there is something missing to match the original one. I'm speaking about this fluorescent green color that we can see in each small cylinder. How can we get this with maxwell? Also, there is no dark area, everything seem to glow, as Bubbaloo mentioned. I have tried a lot of setting today to get something but I totally fail. For me the additive mode is very interesting but impossible to control...can you share you thought and idea in order to get a closer material?

Bubbaloo, could it be possible to get more photo reference with a white paper under the part and no special lighting to see how this plastic react.
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By hyltom
Finally, after many try, i can get this:

SL 9.35 in 9mn

SL 12 in 40mn
This picture is overexposed, i will increase the shutter speed to get a better lighting.

I will let it render more during the night. I hope to get some stronger fluorescent effect with a higher SL...but i'm not really sure if this will happen.
Last edited by hyltom on Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Fernando Tella
Great aproach!

Our goals:
-White shine (I would push it a bit more in yours);
-Fluorescent refraction (not dark like mine --> Nd problem) but you got that already :)
-Almost clear transparencies with green tint. Maybe you could use a textured floor to check that. (got it already, right?)

It looks cool anyway.
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By hyltom
You are right Fernando, but the white shine is not easy to get and maybe it's due to a reflection of a white background. It's why i have asked more reference photo to bubbaloo. About the transparence, I will try to use a textured floor to check that.
By tokiop
wow nice progress! Hyltom you're pretty close !

Thanks Bulbaloo I'll check where the geom problem come from..
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?